Types of Parnassius clodius gallatinus (Papilionidae)
1 - 2
Steve Kohler
| |
Specificity, geographic distributions, and foodplant diversity in four Callophrys (Mitoura) (Lycaenidae)
3 - 19
Kurt Johnson
| |
Foodplant, habitat, and range of Celastrina ebenina (Lycaenidae)
20 - 36
Warren H. Wagner, Jr. & T. Lawrence Mellichamp
| |
Studies on Restinga butterflies. II. Notes on the population structure of Menander felsina (Riodinidae)
37 - 48
Curtis J. Callaghan
| |
An analysis of the heliothidine types (Noctuidae) of Herman Strecker with lectotype designations
49 - 54
D. F. Hardwick
| |
Letter to the editor
LawrenceE. Gilbert
| |
Atopothoures A. Blanchard: a synonym of Goya Ragonot (Pyralidae)
55 - 56
A. Blanchard
| |
Protective behavior in Amplypterus gannascus (Sphingidae)
Jeff Robb
| |
Oeneis alberta (Satyridae) in Montana
57 - 58
Steve Kohler
| |
New or interesting Lepidoptera records from Western Texas
59 - 60
Jeff Robb
| |
Erynnis brizo lacustra and Hesperia columbia in the Sierra Nevada
61 - 62
Oakley Shields
| |
Book Review: The Butterflies and Moths of Hampshire and the Isle of Wight (being an account of the whole Lepidoptera)
Lee D. Miller
| |
Book Review: Butterflies of West Malaysia and Singapore
63 - 64
Lee D. Miller
| |
Studies on the interactions of Morpho peleides (Morphidae) with Leguminosae
65 - 74
Allen M. Young
| |
Notes and descriptions of Euptychiini (Lepidoptera: Satyridae) from the Mexican region
75 - 85
Lee D. Miller
| |
Larval foodplant, life history notes and temporal distribution for Splendeuptychia kendalli (Satyridae) from Mexico
86 - 87
Roy O. Kendall
| |
Notes on the life cycle and natural history of Vanessa annabella (Nymphalidae)
88 - 96
Thomas E. Dimock
| |
A new species of Hemileuca from the southwestern United States (Saturniidae)
97 - 102
Paul M. Tuskes
| |
The status of Ollia parvella Dyar: redescription of it in a new genus (Pyralidae)
103 - 106
Andre Blanchard
| |
Bionomic notes on the blood-spot skipper [Hesperiidae: Phocides lilea sanguinea (Scudder)]
107 - 110
Raymond W. Neck
| |
Climatic regimes resulting in unusual occurrences of Rhopalocera in central Texas in 1968
111 - 115
Raymond W. Neck
| |
A new name for Papilio ceres cramer, [1776], nec Fabricius, [1775] (Nymphalidae, Danainae)
116 - 117
Gerardo Lamas
| |
Two new pine-feeding species of Coleotechnites (Gelechiidae)
118 - 122
Ronald W. Hodges & Robert E. Stevens
| |
Life history and habits of Coleotechnites edulicola (Gelechiidae) a pinyon needle miner in the southwest
123 - 129
Robert E. Stevens, J. Wayne Brewer & Daniel T. Jennings
| |
Pieris napi oleracea (Pieridae) caught by insectivorous plant
Frances S. Chew
| |
Meyrick's record of "Mecyna furnacalis, GN." from Fiji, with a new generic assignment for Pyrausta homaloxantha Meyrick (Pyralidae: Pyraustinae)
130 - 134
Eugene Munroe & Akira Mutuura
| |
Screech owl preys on Peridoma plecta (Noctuidae)
Dwight G. Smith
| |
"Orange" bands, a simple recessive in Anartia fatima (Nymphalidae)
135 - 137
Annette Aiello & Robert E. Silberglied
| |
A gynandromorph of Papilio polyxenes (Papilionidae)
138 - 139
William S. Blau
| |
Electrostrymon angelia angelia (Lycaenidae): the oldest Florida record?
139 - 140
Lee D. Miller
| |
Observations on Erora laeta (Lycaenidae) in New Hampshire
140 - 141
Deane Bowers
| |
Obituary: Wilbur S. McAlpine (1888 - 1977)
142 - 144
M. C. Nielsen
| |
Book Review: Frederick William Frohawk
John Brewer
| |
The influence of environmental factors on roosting in the black swallowtail, Papilio polyxenes asterius Stoll (Papilionidae)
145 - 159
John Edward Rawlins & Robert C. Lederhouse
| |
Notes on the life cycle and natural history of butterflies of El Salvadore. IIC. Smyrna blomfildia and S. karwinskii (Nymphalidae: Coloburini)
160 - 174
Albert Muyshondt, Jr. & Alberto Muyshondt
| |
Sceliodes laisalis (Pyralidae): description of the mature larva and note on its feeding habit
175 - 177
E. O. Ogunwolu
| |
Migration and re-migration of butterflies through north Peninsular Florida: quantification with malaise traps
178 - 190
Thomas J. Walker
| |
Hybrids between Callosamia and Samia (Saturniidae)
191 - 197
Richard S. Peigler
| |
Rhopalocera of West Virginia
198 - 206
Bastiaan M. Drees & Linda Butler
| |
Phenology and diversity of a butterfly population in southern Arizona
207 - 220
George T. Austin
| |
A new hindwing aberration of Catocala micronympha Guenee from Kentucky
221 - 223
Charles V. Covell, Jr.
| |
Confirmation of the occurrence of an albinistic female form of Phoebis philea (Pieridae) in extreme southern Texas
Raymond W. Neck
| |
A new weedy host for the buckeye, Precis coenia (Nymphalidae)
Arthur M. Shapiro
| |
A second locality for Eulythis mellinata (Geometridae) in North America
224 - 225
Kenneth Neil
| |
Occurrence of Thymelicus lineola (Hesperiidae) in Newfoundland
225 - 226
W. J.D. Eberlie
| |
A probable natural hybrid of Papilio eurymedon and P. rutulus (Papilionidae) from Idaho
226 - 228
Warren Herb Wagner, Jr.
| |
Notes on some mosaic Pieris (Pieridae)
228 - 231
Arthur M. Shapiro
| |
A male-lethal genetic factor in Phyciodes tharos (Nymphalidae)
231 - 233
Charles G. Oliver
| |
Oviposition behavior of colonized Hyalophora gloveri gloveri (Saturniidae)
233 - 234
Thomas A. Miller
| |
The Murray O. Glenn Collection of Microlepidoptera
George L. Godfrey
| |
A new record for Calycopis cecrops (Lycaenidae) in Colorado by aircraft-introduction
Michael G. Pogue
| |
New foodplant and oviposition records for the eastern black swallowtail, Papilio polyxenes on an introduced and a native umbellifer
236 - 238
J. Mark Scriber & Mark Fink
| |
Book Review: The British Butterflies, Their Origin and Establishment
239 - 240
F. Martin Brown
| |
Obituary: James H. Baker (1910 - 1978)
J. W. Tilden
| |
The Zale setipes species complex (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae)
241 - 250
E. L. Todd
| |
A lost and misplaced taxon (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae)
251 - 255
J.F. Gates Clarke
| |
Larisa subsolana, a new genus and species of moth from eastern North America (Olethreutidae)
256 - 260
William E. Miller
| |
Notes on Mexican Actinote (Nymphalidae: Acraeinae) and their relatives, with description of a new subspecies
261 - 272
Jacqueline Y. Miller & Lee D. Miller
| |
Papilio aristodemus (Papilionidae) in the Bahamas
273 - 276
Harry K. Clench
| |
The names of certain holarctic hairstreak genera (Lycaenidae)
277 - 281
Harry K. Clench
| |
Over-wintering behavior in Euphydryas phaeton (Nymphalidae)
282 - 288
M. Deane Bowers
| |
Inter-specific hybridization involving Limenitis archippus and its congeneric species (Nymphalidae)
289 - 303
Austin P. Platt, George W. Rawson & George Balogh
| |
Taenidia integerrima, a new foodplant record for Papilio polyxenes (Papilionidae)
303 - 304
M. Berenbaum
| |
Mid-valval flexion in the left valva of asymmetric genitalia of Erynnis (Hesperiidae)
304 - 305
James A. Scott
| |
Catocala ilia (Noctuidae) feeding on decaying fruit in an inner-city environment
Ronald S. Wilkinson
| |
Periodic occurrence of Urania fulgens (Uraniidae) in the United States
307 - 309
Roy O. Kendall
| |
A partially albinic aberration of Phyciodes tharos (Nymphalidae)
Charles G. Oliver
| |
A record of Agrias amydon (Nymphalidae) from Costa Rica
Philip J. Devries
| |
Additional function of the lepidopteran proboscis
310 - 311
Raymond W. Neck
| |
Index to Volume 32
312 - 320
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