
The Journal of the Lepidopterists' Society is a quarterly scientific publication of The Lepidopterists' Society. It contains refereed scholarly papers on the biology of moths and butterflies, taxonomic revisions and species descriptions, general notes, book reviews, and other information. The Journal has been published continuously since 1947. This open access website for the Journal is the result of ongoing work by David Lohman, Larry Gall and their colleagues, and is currently hosted by the Yale Peabody Museum on behalf of the Society.

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News of The Lepidopterists' Society

Memoir 1. A Synonmyic List of the Neractic Rhophalocera. C. F. dos Passos, 1964

Memoir 2. A Catalogue/Checklist of the Butterflies of America North of Mexico. L. D. Miller and F. M. Brown, 1981.

Memoir 3. Supplement to: A Catalogue/Checklist of the Butterflies of America North of Mexico. C. D. Ferris (ed.), 1989

Memoir 4. Foodplants of World Saturniidae. S. E. Stone, 1991

Memoir 5. Basic Techniques for Observing and Studying Moths and Butterflies. W. D. Winter, Jr., 2000

The Lepidopterists' Society Commemorative Volume 1945-1973. R. Kendall (compiler), 1977Commem.

Where are the Butterfly Gardens? J. Ruffin, 1993