Studies on the Catocala (Noctuidae) of southern New England. V. The records of Sidney A. Hessel from Washington, Connecticut, 1961-1973
1 - 16
Theodore D. Sargent
| |
Melitaea saxatilis mod. "sassanides" (Nymphalidae) in Iran: confirmation of an old record
Javad Hashemi Tafreshi
| |
Distribution and biology of a Pleistocene relict: Ochlodes yuma (Hesperiidae)
17 - 22
James A. Scott, Oakley Shields & Scott L. Ellis
| |
Bizarre capture of a butterfly by an ambush bug
Raymond W. Neck
| |
Hybridization of Callosamia (Saturniidae)
23 - 34
Richard S. Peigler
| |
Cocytius duponchel (Sphingidae): second United States capture
James P. Tuttle
| |
Aggregation behavior of Chlosyne lacinia Larvae (Nymphalidae)
35 - 40
Nancy Stamp
| |
A melanic form of Phigalia strigataria (Geometriidae)
Joseph Muller
| |
A review of North American Rhodophaea (Phycitinae: Pyralidae), with description of six new species
41 - 56
Paul A. Opler
| |
A new North American species of Apamea formerly confused with A. verbascoides (Guenee) (Noctuidae)
57 - 62
Douglas C. Ferguson
| |
Staphylus azteca, new record for the United States (Hesperiidae)
Hugh Avery Freeman
| |
Additional material of Scoparia huachucalis Munroe, with description of male genitalia (Pyralidae, Scopariinae)
63 - 66
Eugene Munroe
| |
Effects of 1933 hurricanes on butterflies of central and southern Texas
67 - 68
Raymond W. Neck
| |
Colony of Pieris napi oleracea (Pieridae) in Indiana
68 - 70
Ernest M. Shull
| |
An ecological note on Polites sabuleti sabuleti at the northern limit of its range (Hesperiidae)
70 - 71
J. Allan Garland
| |
Larval hibernation of Geometridae in eastern United States
71 - 72
Dale F. Schweitzer
| |
Letter to the Editor
73 - 74
Hans J. Epstein
| |
Letter to the Editor
74 - 75
Clifford D. Ferris
| |
Letter to the Editor
D. G. Sevastopulo
| |
Letter to the Editor
J. N. Eliot
| |
| |
Obituary: Eugene S. Miljanowski (1908 - 1976)
76 - 77
Yuri P. Nekrutenko
| |
Book Review: Moths of Southern Africa
78 - 79
George L. Godfrey
| |
Book Review: Legion of the Night--The Underwing Moths
79 - 80
William E. Sieker
| |
Immature stages and ecological observations of Eoparargyractis plevie (Pyralidae: Nymphulinae)
81 - 88
Sandy B. Fiance & Robert E. Moeller
| |
Six new species of Hesperiidae from Mexico
89 - 99
Hugh Avery Freeman
| |
Aberrant Erynnis tristus tatius (Hesperiidae)
Clifford D. Ferris
| |
Studies on the biology of Parides iphidamas (Papilioninae: Troidini) in Costa Rica
100 - 108
Allen M. Young
| |
Notes on the behavior of Asterocampa leilia (Nymphalidae) in southern Arizona
111 - 118
George T. Austin
| |
Uniform genitalia among wing color morphs of olethreutid moths
William E. Miller
| |
Cudonigera: a new genus for moths formerly assigned to Choristoneura houstonana (Tortricidae)
119 - 123
Jerry A. Powell & N. S. Obraztsov
| |
The status of the Glyphipterigidae and a reassessment of relationships in yponomeutoid families and ditrysian superfamilies
124 - 134
John B. Heppner
| |
An "albinic" Pieris sisymbrii (Pieridae) from the California Sierras
Arthur M. Shapiro
| |
Two new species of Petrova moths from pine in southeast Asia (Tortricidae, Olethreutinae)
135 - 138
William E. Miller
| |
A record of Urbanus simplicius (Hesperiidae) for the USA
Mike A. Rickard
| |
Data suggesting absence of linkage between two loci in the mimetic butterfly Hypolimnas bolina (Nymphalidae)
139 - 143
C. A. Clarke & P. M. Sheppard
| |
Capture of Papilio androgeus (Papilionidae) in southern Florida, a new record for the USA
Arthur Joe Patterson
| |
Determination of sex in four species of giant silkworm moth larvae (Saturniidae)
144 - 146
Thomas A. Miller, William J. Cooper & Jerry W. Highfill
| |
A method for handling eggs and first instar larvae of Callosamia promethea (Saturniidae)
146 - 147
Thomas A. Miller & William J. Cooper
| |
Hyposoter fugitivus (Ichneumonidae) parasitic within Megalopyge opercularis larvae (Megalopygidae)
147 - 148
Kamel T. Khalaf
| |
Woodpecker feeding on Callosamia promethea (Saturniidae) cocoon
148 - 149
M. C. Nielsen
| |
Obituary: Arthur H. Napier (1895 - 1976)
Joseph W. Adams
| |
Book Review: Revised Catalogue of the African Sphingidae (Lepidoptera) with Descriptions of the East African Species
151 - 152
J. C.E. Riotte
| |
Selection of the cocoon spinning site by the larvae of Hyalophora cecropia (Saturniidae)
153 - 166
A. G. Scarbrough, J. G. Sternburg & G. P. Waldbauer
| |
Antheraea polyphemus (Saturniidae) and Biblis hyperia (Nymphalidae) in Texas
James E. Gillaspy
| |
A new subspecies of Pieris sisymbrii (Pieridae) from Western great plains relict forests
167 - 172
Kurt Johnson
| |
Ovipositional mistake by a hackberry butterfly (Nymphalidae)
Raymond W. Neck
| |
Studies on Restinga butterflies. I. Life cycle and immature biology of Menander felsina (Riodinidae), a myrmecophilous metalmark
173 - 182
Curtis J. Callaghan
| |
Letter to the Editor
Curt Eisner
| |
Letter to the Editor
J. C.E. Riotte
| |
Bionomic notes on some bagworm moths (Psychidae) of Texas
183 - 190
Raymond W. Neck
| |
Butterflies associated with an army ant swarm raid in Honduras: The "feeding hypothesis" as an alternate explanation
Allen M. Young
| |
Two new species of clearwing moths (Sesiidae) from eastern North America clarified by sex pheromones
191 - 196
W. Donald Duckworth & Thomas D. Eichlin
| |
Catocala (Noctuidae) species taken in Clay County, Tennessee
197 - 202
Wayne A. Miller
| |
Apparent long-distance dispersal by Pieris occidentalis (Pieridae)
202 - 203
Arthur M. Shapiro
| |
The behavior of an inebriated Opsiphanes cassiae (Brassolidae)
203 - 204
Luis D. Gomez
| |
Obituary: Professor Philip M. Sheppard, D.Phil., FRS (1921 - 1973)
205 - 212
J. R.G. Turner
| |
Obituary: Peter J. Herlan (1909 - 1977)
213 - 214
J. W. Tilden
| |
Book Review: A Field Guide to the Butterflies of the West Indies
215 - 216
Stuart J. Ramos
| |
Presidential address 1977: Thirty years and counting
217 - 222
S. S. Nicolay
| |
Phenotypic wing pattern modification by very brief periods of chilling of pupating Aricia artaxerxes vandalica (Lycaenidae). Aricia studies no. 16
223 - 231
Ove Huegh Guldberg & Artie lindebo Hansen
| |
Biological observations on an overwintering colony of Monarch butterflies (Danaus plexippus, Danaidae) in Mexico
232 - 242
Lincoln P. Brower, William H. Calvert, Lee E. Hedrick & John Christian
| |
Revision of North American Boloria selene (Nymphalidae) with description of a new subspecies
243 - 268
Steve Kohler
| |
A study of the distributions of Physocarpus opulifolius and two geometrids feeding on it
269 - 274
W. C. McGuffin
| |
Sphingidae luscitiosa (Sphingidae) feeding on decayed fish
M. C. Nielsen
| |
Charaxes species (Nymphalidae) from Engu, Anambra State, Nigeria
276 - 277
R. D. Peterson II
| |
Supplement to "A Checklist of the Butterflies of Grant County, New Mexico and Vicinity"
278 - 279
Clifford D. Ferris
| |
A record of Anaea aidea (Nymphalidae) from southern Illinois
Michael R. Jeffords
| |
Butterflies as prey for crab spiders (Thomisidae)
280 - 282
John H. Fales & Daniel T. Jennings
| |
Oviposition behavior of colonized Callosamia promethea (Saturniidae)
Thomas A. Miller & William J. Cooper
| |
Book Review: Libro Rojo de los Lepdiopteros Ibericos
Paul O. Opler
| |
Book Review: The Classification of European Butterflies
284 - 285
Lee D. Miller
| |
Index to Volume 31
286 - 288
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