Journal of the Lepidopterists' Society 1987

Volume 41

Status and habitats of potentially endangered Lepidoptera in Ohio

1 - 12

John A. Shuey, Eric H. Metzler, David C. Iftner, John V. Cathoun, John W. Peacock, Reed A. Watkins, Jeffery D. Hooper & William F. Babcock




Milkweed patch quality, adult population structure, and egg laying in the monarch butterfly

13 - 22

M. P. Zalucki & Y. Suzuki




Host specificity and biology of Bucculatrix ivella Busck, a potential biological control agent for Baccharis halimifolia L. in Australia

23 - 28

W. A. Palmer




Butterflies from the Ujung Kulon National Park, Indonesia

29 - 40

T. R. New, M. B. Bush & H. K. Sudarman




The identity of Cyclopides paola Plotz (Hesperiidae)

41 - 44

David L. Hancock




Mate location behavior of the large skipper butterfly Ochlodes venata: flexible strategies and spatial components

45 - 64

R. L.H. Dennis & W. R. Williams




The status of "Papilio hipparchus" Staudinger (Papilionidae)

65 - 69

Kurt Johnson & David Matusik




A new white-and-black subspecies of Protesilaus euryleon (Papilionidae)

70 - 74

Kurt Johnson & David Matusik




Predation on adults of Anartia fatima (Fab.)

75 - 76

M. Deane Bowers, Rose C. Crabtree, Susan P. Harrison, Claudia Sobrevilla, Michael Wells & Lorne M. Wolfe




Obituary: John Steven Buckett (1939-1986)

77 - 81

Robert O. Schuster




Ecological significance of a postmating decline in egg viability in the tiger swallowtail

83 - 93

Robert C. Lederhouse & J. Mark Scriber




Demography of the unsilvered morph of Speyeria mormonia in Colorado

94 - 97

Carol L. Boggs




Xanthorhoe clarkeata (Geometridae), a new species and possible endemic of the Queen Charlotte Islands, British Columbia

98 - 103

Douglas C. Ferguson




A new species of nearctic Bomolocha (Noctuidae) from the Appalachian area

104 - 107

Linda Butler




The types and status of Papilio tasso Staudinger

108 - 113

Kurt Johnson & David Matusik




Pupae of Eurytides thyastes and other leptocircine swallowtails

114 - 115

David A. West




Roosting behavior in adult Vanessa cardui

116 - 117

Richard L. Hardesty




Oviposition by Parides arcas mylotes (Bates) (Papilionidae) on a grass leafblade

117 - 118

Allen M. Young




Mating behavior of Acraea andromacha andromacha (Fabricius) (Nymphalidae) in New Caledonia

119 - 121

Marc E. Epstein




A migratory flight of the California tortoise-shell butterfly

121 - 122

Ronald M. Knaus & Edward N. Lambremont




Speyeria collection of Paul Grey to the American Museum of Natural History


Frederick H. Rindge




Manuscript reviewers, 1986

124 - 125




Book Review: California Butterflies

126 - 127

R.H.T. Mattoni




Book Review: Butterflies of Europe, Vol. 8

128 - 129

Clifford D. Ferris




Patterns of oviposition in Hemileuca lucina (Saturniidae)

131 - 140

M. Deane Bowers & Nancy E. Stamp




Predation by Anolis lizards on Battus philenor raises questions about butterfly mimicry systems

141 - 144

Francois J. Odendaal, Mark D. Rausher, Betty Benrey & Juan Nunez Farfan




New records of butterflies from the West Indies

145 - 150

Albert Schwartz, Fernando L. Gonzalez & Rose M. Henderson




A new species of Gretchena (Tortricidae) injurious to planted neotropical walnut

151 - 153

William E. Miller




Injury and biology of the clearwing borer Synanthedon kathyae on holly

154 - 158

G. M. Ghidiu, L. Vasvary, T. D. Eichlin & J. D. Solomon




The role of nectar source distribution in habitat use and oviposition by the tiger swallowtail butterfly

159 - 165

David W. Grossmueller & Robert C. Lederhouse




Penstemon digitalis (Scrophulariaceae), a new food plant record for Haploa confusa (Arctiidae)

166 - 167

Richard L. Lindroth




Book Review:Mexican Lepidoptera: Eurytelinae I


Sanford R. Leffler




Book Review: Noctuelles et Geometres d'Europe, Volume II


Jeremy Holloway




Obituary: Arthur Charles Sheppard (1902-1987)

170 - 172

V. R. Vickery




The big shift: Nabokovi from Atalopedes to Hesperia (Hesperiidae)

173 - 186

John M. Burns




Litodonta hydromeli Harvey (Notodontidae): description of life stages

187 - 194

S. J. Weller




Hosts, biology, and distribution of Zale phaeocapna (Noctuidae)

195 - 198

Tim L. Mccabe




Host specificity and biology of Prochoerodes truxaliata (Guenee) (Geometridae), a potential biocontrol agent for the rangeland weed Baccharis halimifolia L. in Australia

199 - 208

W. A. Palmer & J. W. Tilden




Two related migrations of the California tortoise-shell butterfly in Mariposa County, California, in 1986

209 - 211

Oakley Shields




The type locality of Catocala whitneyi and reports of this species in Ohio

212 - 213

Eric H. Metzler




Correction of a name in the Epinotia vertumnana (Zeller) species-group (Tortricidae)


Richard L. Brown




Logic and phylogeny: a critique of Scott's phylogenies to the butterflies and Macrolepidoptera

214 - 216

Robert K. Robbins




Logic and phylogeny: reply to R. K. Robbins

216 - 218

James A. Scott




Obituary: Andre Blanchard (1896-1986)

219 - 237

Roy O. Kendall




Book Review: A revision of the genus Hypochrysops C. & R. Felder (Lepidoptera; Lycaenidae)


Robert K. Robbins




Book Review: Noctuelles et geometres d' Europe. Deuxieme partie. Geometres Vol. III-1917-1919. Reprint edition


Frederick H. Rindge




Book Review: A History of the Hope Entomological Collections in the University Museum Oxford with Lists of Archives and Collections


Timothy D. Cary




Index to Volume 41

241 - 243






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