Checklist of Montana butterflies (Rhopalocera)
1 - 19
Steve Kohler
| |
A new Plebejus (Icaricia)shasta from southern Nevada (Lycaenidae)
20 - 24
George T. Austin
| |
The identity of the plant referred to as Andromeda by W. T. M. Forbes
Dale F. Schweitzer
| |
Nigerian Gracillariidae
25 - 35
K. P. Bland
| |
Notes on the behavioral ecology of Perrhybris lypera (Pieridae) in northeastern Costa Rica
36 - 47
Allen M. Young
| |
Notes on the type and type collector of Parnassius behrii (Papilionidae)
John H. Masters
| |
A new Parochromolopis (Epermeniidae) from Costa Rica
48 - 50
John B. Heppner
| |
A modular, transportable habitat system for colonization of giant silkworm moths (Saturniidae)
51 - 60
Thomas A. Miller & William J. Cooper
| |
Tmolus azia in Jamaica: A new record for the West Indies (Lycaenidae)
Gerald Vyhmeister
| |
An elegant harness for tethering large moths
61 - 63
C. Brooke Worth
| |
Notes on Gracillaria elongella (Gracillariidae) with a description of the larval mouthparts
63 - 65
Steven Passoa
| |
Oviposition by Heliconius hecale (Nymphalidae) on a grass inflorescence in Costa Rica
66 - 68
Allen M. Young
| |
James Mason Hutchings (1824-1902): An early butterfly collector in California
John H. Masters
| |
Sex-related morphological characters in larvae of Hyalophora gloveri gloveri and Antheraea polyphemus (Saturniidae)
69 - 73
Thomas A. Miller & Samuel V. Machotka
| |
A postscript to the authorship of Hesperia mystic
74 - 75
F. Martin Brown
| |
The occurrence of Chloroclystis rectangulata (Geometridae) in New Brunswick
Kenneth Neil
| |
Book Review: Les Attacidae Americains...The Attacidae of America (=Saturnidae) Attacinae
75 - 76
Richard S. Peigler
| |
Book Review:Bibliography of the Australian Butterflies (Lepidoptera: Hesperioidea and Papilionoidea) 1773 - 1973
Jacqueline Y. Miller
| |
Obituary: Norman Denbigh Riley C.B.E. 1890-1979
78 - 80
Lionel G. Higgins
| |
Obituary: Harry Kendon Clench (1925-1979)
81 - 85
Lee D. Miller
| |
Two Boisduval manuscript generic names first published by Lacordaire in 1833
Gerardo Lamas
| |
An annotated bibliography of the entomological writings of Harry Kendon Clench (1925-1979)
86 - 97
F. Martin Brown
| |
Harry Kendon Clench, in the founding of the Lepidopterists' Society
98 - 100
Charles L. Remington
| |
Callophrys (Mitoura) hesseli (Lycaenidae) in Georgia: A state record
Irving L. Finkelstein & Abner A. Towers
| |
Harry Kendon Clench: A remembrance
101 - 102
Don B. Stallings
| |
The rediscovery of Libytheana terena in Jamaica (Libytheidae)
Gerald Vyhmeister & Julian P. Donahue
| |
Papilio ladon Cramer vs. Argus pseudargiolus Boisduval and Leconte (Lycaenidae): A nomenclatorial nightmare
103 - 119
Harry K. Clench & Lee D. Miller
| |
Annotated list of butterflies of San Salvador Island, Bahamas
120 - 126
Nancy B. Elliott, Donald Riley & Harry K. Clench
| |
Dianesia, a new genus of Riodinidae from the West Indies
127 - 132
Donald J. Harvey & Harry K. Clench
| |
A record of Itame abruptata (Geometridae) from New York
E. Richard Hoebeke
| |
Eggs of Riodinidae
133 - 145
John C. Downey & Arthur C. Allyn
| |
Description, natural history, and distribution of a new species of Eretris (Satyridae) from Costa Rica
146 - 151
Philip J. Devries
| |
A review of the genus Hypothyris Hubner (Nymphalidae), with descriptions of three new subspecies and early stages of H. daphnis
152 - 172
Keith S. Brown, Jr.
| |
Resurrection of the genus Morpheis (Cossidae), with description of a new species in the Cognatus group from southern Arizona
173 - 181
Julian P. Donahue
| |
Two new species of Proeulia from the Desventuradas Islands (Tortricidae)
182 - 186
J.F. Gates Clarke
| |
A redescription of "Micropteryx" selectella Walker with a discussion concerning its family affinities (Acrolepiidae)
187 - 190
Don R. Davis
| |
A new species of Xenimpia from Madagascar (Geometridae)
191 - 193
Pierre E.L. Viette
| |
The lycaenid "false head" hypothesis; historical review and quantitative analysis
194 - 208
Robert K. Robbins
| |
A review of the Erora laeta group, with description of a new species (Lycaenidae)
209 - 216
Lee D. Miller
| |
Field notes on two hairstreaks from New Mexico with description of a new subspecies (Lycaenidae)
217 - 223
Clifford D. Ferris
| |
A new mutant of Danaus plexippus ssp.erippus (Cramer)
224 - 229
C. A. Clarke & Miriam Rothschild
| |
A new high altitude species of Boloria from southwestern Colorado (Nymphalidae), with a discussion of phenetics and hierarchical decisions
230 - 252
Lawrence F. Gall & Felix A.H. Sperling
| |
The genus Chlorostrymon and a new subspecies of C. simaethis
253 - 256
S. S. Nicolay
| |
Oviposition behavior of reared Antheraea polyphemus (Saturniidae)
256 - 259
Thomas A. Miller & William J. Cooper
| |
Natural interspecific pairing between Pieris virginiensis and P. napi oleracea (Pieridae)
259 - 261
Frances S. Chew
| |
Utilization of grass inflorescences as adult resources by Rhopalocera
261 - 262
Raymond W. Neck
| |
Origin of the Lepidoptera, with description of a new mid-triassic species and notes on the origin of the butterfly stem
263 - 285
Norman B. Tindale
| |
Some factors responsible for imbalances in the Australian fauna of Lepidoptera
286 - 294
I. F.B. Common
| |
The life cycle of Charaxes marieps (Nymphalidae)
295 - 301
M. C. Williams & J. Boomker
| |
New status for Eumorpha intermedia (Sphingidae)
302 - 306
Vernon A. Brou, Jr.
| |
Egg-load assessment and carryover diapause in Anthocharis (Pieridae)
307 - 315
Arthur M. Shapiro
| |
New locality records for the salt marsh copper, Epidemia dorcas dospassosi (Lycaenidae)
Anthony W. Thomas
| |
Two California checkerspot butterfly subspecies: one new, one on the verge of extinction
316 - 320
Dennis D. Murphy & Paul R. Ehrlich
| |
Notes on the natural history of Papilio polyxenes stabilis (Papilionidae) in Costa Rica
321 - 324
William S. Blau
| |
Repeated intergeneric attraction between indigenous and European silkmoths (Saturniidae)
Robert S. Bryant
| |
A correction of the name for the type-species of Rhopobota lederer (Tortricidae: Eucosmini)
Richard L. Brown
| |
Obituary: Brisbane Charles Somerville Warren (1887-1979)
F. Martin Brown
| |
Book review: A Revision of the Genus Hipparchia Fabricius
Lee D. Miller
| |
The life history of Aellopos tantalus (Sphingidae)
327 - 329
Paul M. Tuskes
| |
Effects of long and short day photoperiods on the seasonal dimorphism of Anaea andria (Nymphalidae) from Central Missouri
330 - 337
Thomas J. Riley
| |
A new species of the genus Peoria ragonot (Pyralidae)
338 - 339
A. Blanchard
| |
Bilateral gynandromorphic Speyeria diana (Nymphalidae)
340 - 344
Amos H. Showalter & Bastiaan M. Drees
| |
Some aspects of the biology of the developmental stages of Colias alexandra (Pieridae)
345 - 352
Jane Leslie Hayes
| |
Inter-peak dispersal in alpine checkerspot butterflies (Nymphalidae)
353 - 362
Raymond R. White
| |
Aberrant specimen of Chlosyne lacinia from central Texas resembles tropical form
363 - 364
Raymond W. Neck
| |
The status of Papilio machaon rathjensi and its relationship to other arabian populations (Papilionidae)
365 - 367
Torben B. Larsen
| |
Field observations of larval behavior of Datana integerrima (Notodontidae) in Illinois
368 - 371
M. E. Farris & J. E. Appleby
| |
Ants associated with Harkenclenus titus, Glaucopsyche lygdamas, and Celastrina argiolus (Lycaenidae)
371 - 372
Donald J. Harvey & Thomas A. Webb
| |
Euphyes bimacula (Hesperiidae) in the southeastern coastal plain
373 - 374
Laurence J. Dorr
| |
Editor's note
Austin P. Platt
| |
Book Review: Ten Years of "Microlepidoptera Palaearctica"
375 - 377
H. G. Amsel
| |
Book Review: Butterflies of the Australian Region
377 - 378
Lee D. Miller
| |
Index to Volume 34
379 - 390
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