Journal of the Lepidopterists' Society 1976

Volume 30

Presidental address 1975-to my fellow amateurs

1 - 4

Andre Blanchard




Capture of a hybrid Limenitis arthemis astyanax x L. archippus (Nymphalidae) in southern Georgia


Richard T. Arbogast




New Hesperiidae records for Texas and the United States

5 - 11

William W. McGuire & Michael A. Rickard




Hapalia nigristriatalis a synonym of Udea angustalis (Pyralidae: Pyraustinae)


Eugene Munroe




A new subspecies of Argyreus hyperbius (Nymphalidae) from New Guinea

12 - 15

Chris Samson




Callophrys eryphon (Lycaenidae) in Maine

16 - 18

Warren J. Kiel




Mathildana newmanella (Oecophoridae) in Arkansas


John B. Heppner




Notes of Maryland Lepidoptera. 5. A new subspecies of Poanes massasoit (Hesperiidae)

19 - 22

William A. Andersen & Robert S. Simmons




Notes on the life cycle and natural history of butterflies of El Salvador. VII.Archaeoprepona demophon centralis (Nymphalidae)

23 - 32

Alberto Muyshondt




New Catocala of North America (Noctuidae)

33 - 37

A. E. Brower




A checklist of the butterflies of Grant county, New Mexico and Vicinity

38 - 49

Clifford D. Ferris




Biology and taxonomy of three gall forming species of Epiblema (Olethreutidae)

50 - 58

William E. Miller




A possible source of mortality in Papilio troilus (Papilionidae) populations in eastern Texas


J. Mark Scriber




Migration of butterflies along the gulf coast of northern Florida

59 - 61

F. A. Urquhart & N. R. Urquhart




Occurrence of Leptotes cassius theonus (Lycaenidae) in Georgia


Richard T. Arbogast




New Hesperiidae records for Mexico

62 - 67

Hugh Avery Freeman




Range extensions of Callophrys fotis, C. polios, Colias alexandra and Erebia callias (Lycaenidae, Pieridae and Satyridae)


Clifford D. Ferris




Amblyscirtes belli (Hesperiidae): a new record for Kentucky


Richard A. Henderson




Factors affecting the occurrence of Melanis pixe (Riodinidae) in extreme southern Texas

69 - 70

Raymond W. Neck




New foodplant and oviposition records for Battus philenor (Papilionidae)

70 - 71

J. Mark Scriber & Paul P. Feeny




Book Review: The Swallowtail Butterflies of North America


Clifford D. Ferris




A study of the peninsular Florida populations of the monarch butterfly (Danaus p. plexippus; Danaidae)

73 - 87

F. A. Urquhart & N. R. Urquhart




Fugitive color in the males of certain Pieridae

88 - 90

Harry K. Clench




Larval morph variation in Chlosyne lacinia (Nymphalidae)

91 - 94

Raymond W. Neck




Portable outdoor cages for mating female giant silkworm moths (Saturniidae)

95 - 104

Thomas A. Miller & William J. Cooper




Larval foodplants, spatial and temporal distribution for five skippers (Hesperiidae) from Texas

105 - 110

Roy O. Kendall & M. A. Rickard




Collecting cocoons of Callosamia securifera (Saturniidae)

111 - 113

Richard S. Peigler




A gyandromorphic Lymantria dispar (Lymantriidae)


Joseph Muller




Wing color variation in Callosamia (Saturniidae)

114 - 115

Richard S. Peigler




The genus Copablepharon in Texas, with description of three new species (Noctuidae)

116 - 120

Andre Blanchard




Nathalis iole (Pieridae) in the southeastern United States and the Bahamas

121 - 126

Harry K. Clench




Mass hibernation site for Nymphalis vau-album (Nymphalidae)


Noble S. Proctor




Observations of Eupackardia calleta in southern Texas (Saturniidae)

127 - 130

Thomas A. Miller




Emergence of Hyalophora cecropia (Saturniidae) blocked by seeds in the cocoon valve

131 - 132

G. P. Waldbauer & J. G. Sternburg




Descriptions of the immature stages and biology of Vitula lugubrella (Ragonot) (Pyralidae: Phycitinae)

133 - 137

H. H. Neunzig




Summer monarch (Danaus plexippus) in southern Texas (Danaidae)


Raymond W. Neck




Book Review: The Butterflies of North America

138 - 143

Clifford D. Ferris




Book Review: Mites of Moths and Butterflies


William B. Nutting




Book Review: Butterflies of Lebanon


Lee D. Miller




Libytheana bachmannii (Nymphalidae) in Connecticut


Noble S. Proctor




A clamp for marking butterflies in capture-recapture studies

145 - 146

Henry S. Horn




Papilio troilus (Papilionidae) in pursuit of fish crow


Noble S. Proctor




More records of butterflies as prey for ambush bugs (Heteroptera)

147 - 149

John H. Fales




Papilio xuthus (Papilionidae) in Hawaii

149 - 150

Paul R. Ehrlich




Charaxinae (Nymphalidae): Old World versus new


D. G. Sevastopulo




Letter to the Editor


E. W. Classey




Letter to the Editor


D. G. Sevastopulo




Obituary: Maurice Louis Bristol (1890 - 1975)


Roderick R. Irwin




The overwintering site of the eastern population of the monarch butterfly (Danaus p. plexippus; Danaidae) in southern Mexico

153 - 158

F. A. Urquhart & N. R. Urquhart




Notes on the life cycle and natural history of butterflies of El Salvador. VIII. Archaeoprepona antimache gulina, Siderone marthesia, Zaretis callidryas and Consul electra (Nymphalidae)

159 - 168

Alberto Muyshondt




Patterned perching behavior in two Callophrys (Mitoura) (Lycaenidae)

169 - 183

Kurt Johnson & Peter M. Borgo




Hilltopping in Lebanon


Torben B. Larsen




Observations on host plant relationships and larval nutrition in Callosamia (Saturniidae)

184 - 187

Richard S. Piegler




Time variations of pupal stage of Eupackardia calleta (Saturniidae)


Jack B. Prentiss




A revision of the genus Dunama Schaus (Notodontidae)

188 - 196

E. L. Todd




The butterflies of Mississippi-Supplement no. 2

197 - 200

Bryant Mather & Katharine Mather




Rhopalocera in the N. B. Sanson Collection

201 - 206

Charles D. Bird




Evidence of breeding migrant populations of Leptotes cassius (Lycaenidae) in Kansas


Matthew M. Douglas




Notes on the biology and immature stages of the white peacock butterfly, Anartia jatrophae guantanamo (Nymphalidae)

207 - 210

George W. Rawson




A new species of the genus Bertelia B. & McD. (Pyralidae)

211 - 213

Andre Blanchard




A population of the striped hairstreak, Satyrium liparops liparops (Lycaenidae), in West-Central Florida


Larry N. Brown




The status of Satyrium boreale (Lycaenidae)

214 - 218

Lawrence F. Gall




Oiketicus toumeyi: A bagworm moth new to the Texas fauna (Psychidae)


Raymond W. Neck




The giant blastobasid moths of Yucca (Gelechioidea)

219 - 229

Jerry A. Powell




Letter to the Editor


D. G. Sevastopulo




A survey of the Sphingidae of Sanibel Island, Florida

230 - 233

C. Hugh Brown




First records of Boloria frigga (Nymphalidae) in Wisconsin

233 - 234

Leslie A. Ferge & Roger M. Kuehn




Additional new butterfly records from Florida

234 - 235

Robert Bennett & Edward C. Knudson




Nocturnal activity of a monarch butterfly (Danaidae)

235 - 236

Raymond W. Neck




Crab spider preys on Neophasia menapia (Pieridae)

236 - 237

Daniel T. Jennings & Michael E. Toliver




Butterflies associated with an army ant swarm raid in Honduras

237 - 238

Boyce A. Drummond III




Obituary: Robert Grant Wind (1912 - 1975)

239 - 244

Paul H. Arnaud, Jr. & Thomas W. Davies




Book Review:History of Entomology


William B. Nutting




Presidential address 1976-what insects can we identify?

245 - 251

Ronald W. Hodges




Concerning the name Anthocaris coloradensis Hy. Edwards with designation of a new subspecies (Pieridae)

252 - 259

Kurt Johnson




Photoperiodic regulation of seasonal polyphenism in Phyciodes tharos (Nymphalidae)

260 - 263

Charles G. Oliver




Larval foodplants and life history notes for eight moths from Texas and Mexico

264 - 271

Roy O. Kendall




A key to the last instar larvae of west coast Saturniidae

272 - 276

Paul M. Tuskes




Low cost vacuum freeze-drying

277 - 283

Frank R. Hedges




Two new species of phycitine moths with description of a new genus (Pyralidae)

284 - 288

Andre Blanchard




The biological status of nearctic taxa in the Pieris protodice-occidentalis group (Pieridae)

289 - 300

Arthur M. Shapiro




Population structure of the primrose moth, Schinia florida (Noctuidae)

301 - 304

Steven N. Handel




Female anal hair tuft in Nordmannia myratle (Lycaenidae): egg-camouflaging function and taxonomic significance

305 - 309

Ichiro Nakamura




Ecological notes on Celastrina ebenina (Lycaenidae)

310 - 312

W. H. Wagner, Jr. & Amos H. Showalter




A migration of Vanessa cardui (Nymphalidae)


Walter V. Krivda




Book Review: Macrolepdioptera of Fiji and Rotuma: A Taxonomic and Biogeographic Study


Ronald W. Hodges




Index to Volume 30

314 - 315






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