Presidental address 1975-to my fellow amateurs
1 - 4
Andre Blanchard
| |
Capture of a hybrid Limenitis arthemis astyanax x L. archippus (Nymphalidae) in southern Georgia
Richard T. Arbogast
| |
New Hesperiidae records for Texas and the United States
5 - 11
William W. McGuire & Michael A. Rickard
| |
Hapalia nigristriatalis a synonym of Udea angustalis (Pyralidae: Pyraustinae)
Eugene Munroe
| |
A new subspecies of Argyreus hyperbius (Nymphalidae) from New Guinea
12 - 15
Chris Samson
| |
Callophrys eryphon (Lycaenidae) in Maine
16 - 18
Warren J. Kiel
| |
Mathildana newmanella (Oecophoridae) in Arkansas
John B. Heppner
| |
Notes of Maryland Lepidoptera. 5. A new subspecies of Poanes massasoit (Hesperiidae)
19 - 22
William A. Andersen & Robert S. Simmons
| |
Notes on the life cycle and natural history of butterflies of El Salvador. VII.Archaeoprepona demophon centralis (Nymphalidae)
23 - 32
Alberto Muyshondt
| |
New Catocala of North America (Noctuidae)
33 - 37
A. E. Brower
| |
A checklist of the butterflies of Grant county, New Mexico and Vicinity
38 - 49
Clifford D. Ferris
| |
Biology and taxonomy of three gall forming species of Epiblema (Olethreutidae)
50 - 58
William E. Miller
| |
A possible source of mortality in Papilio troilus (Papilionidae) populations in eastern Texas
J. Mark Scriber
| |
Migration of butterflies along the gulf coast of northern Florida
59 - 61
F. A. Urquhart & N. R. Urquhart
| |
Occurrence of Leptotes cassius theonus (Lycaenidae) in Georgia
Richard T. Arbogast
| |
New Hesperiidae records for Mexico
62 - 67
Hugh Avery Freeman
| |
Range extensions of Callophrys fotis, C. polios, Colias alexandra and Erebia callias (Lycaenidae, Pieridae and Satyridae)
Clifford D. Ferris
| |
Amblyscirtes belli (Hesperiidae): a new record for Kentucky
Richard A. Henderson
| |
Factors affecting the occurrence of Melanis pixe (Riodinidae) in extreme southern Texas
69 - 70
Raymond W. Neck
| |
New foodplant and oviposition records for Battus philenor (Papilionidae)
70 - 71
J. Mark Scriber & Paul P. Feeny
| |
Book Review: The Swallowtail Butterflies of North America
Clifford D. Ferris
| |
A study of the peninsular Florida populations of the monarch butterfly (Danaus p. plexippus; Danaidae)
73 - 87
F. A. Urquhart & N. R. Urquhart
| |
Fugitive color in the males of certain Pieridae
88 - 90
Harry K. Clench
| |
Larval morph variation in Chlosyne lacinia (Nymphalidae)
91 - 94
Raymond W. Neck
| |
Portable outdoor cages for mating female giant silkworm moths (Saturniidae)
95 - 104
Thomas A. Miller & William J. Cooper
| |
Larval foodplants, spatial and temporal distribution for five skippers (Hesperiidae) from Texas
105 - 110
Roy O. Kendall & M. A. Rickard
| |
Collecting cocoons of Callosamia securifera (Saturniidae)
111 - 113
Richard S. Peigler
| |
A gyandromorphic Lymantria dispar (Lymantriidae)
Joseph Muller
| |
Wing color variation in Callosamia (Saturniidae)
114 - 115
Richard S. Peigler
| |
The genus Copablepharon in Texas, with description of three new species (Noctuidae)
116 - 120
Andre Blanchard
| |
Nathalis iole (Pieridae) in the southeastern United States and the Bahamas
121 - 126
Harry K. Clench
| |
Mass hibernation site for Nymphalis vau-album (Nymphalidae)
Noble S. Proctor
| |
Observations of Eupackardia calleta in southern Texas (Saturniidae)
127 - 130
Thomas A. Miller
| |
Emergence of Hyalophora cecropia (Saturniidae) blocked by seeds in the cocoon valve
131 - 132
G. P. Waldbauer & J. G. Sternburg
| |
Descriptions of the immature stages and biology of Vitula lugubrella (Ragonot) (Pyralidae: Phycitinae)
133 - 137
H. H. Neunzig
| |
Summer monarch (Danaus plexippus) in southern Texas (Danaidae)
Raymond W. Neck
| |
Book Review: The Butterflies of North America
138 - 143
Clifford D. Ferris
| |
Book Review: Mites of Moths and Butterflies
William B. Nutting
| |
Book Review: Butterflies of Lebanon
Lee D. Miller
| |
Libytheana bachmannii (Nymphalidae) in Connecticut
Noble S. Proctor
| |
A clamp for marking butterflies in capture-recapture studies
145 - 146
Henry S. Horn
| |
Papilio troilus (Papilionidae) in pursuit of fish crow
Noble S. Proctor
| |
More records of butterflies as prey for ambush bugs (Heteroptera)
147 - 149
John H. Fales
| |
Papilio xuthus (Papilionidae) in Hawaii
149 - 150
Paul R. Ehrlich
| |
Charaxinae (Nymphalidae): Old World versus new
D. G. Sevastopulo
| |
Letter to the Editor
E. W. Classey
| |
Letter to the Editor
D. G. Sevastopulo
| |
Obituary: Maurice Louis Bristol (1890 - 1975)
Roderick R. Irwin
| |
The overwintering site of the eastern population of the monarch butterfly (Danaus p. plexippus; Danaidae) in southern Mexico
153 - 158
F. A. Urquhart & N. R. Urquhart
| |
Notes on the life cycle and natural history of butterflies of El Salvador. VIII. Archaeoprepona antimache gulina, Siderone marthesia, Zaretis callidryas and Consul electra (Nymphalidae)
159 - 168
Alberto Muyshondt
| |
Patterned perching behavior in two Callophrys (Mitoura) (Lycaenidae)
169 - 183
Kurt Johnson & Peter M. Borgo
| |
Hilltopping in Lebanon
Torben B. Larsen
| |
Observations on host plant relationships and larval nutrition in Callosamia (Saturniidae)
184 - 187
Richard S. Piegler
| |
Time variations of pupal stage of Eupackardia calleta (Saturniidae)
Jack B. Prentiss
| |
A revision of the genus Dunama Schaus (Notodontidae)
188 - 196
E. L. Todd
| |
The butterflies of Mississippi-Supplement no. 2
197 - 200
Bryant Mather & Katharine Mather
| |
Rhopalocera in the N. B. Sanson Collection
201 - 206
Charles D. Bird
| |
Evidence of breeding migrant populations of Leptotes cassius (Lycaenidae) in Kansas
Matthew M. Douglas
| |
Notes on the biology and immature stages of the white peacock butterfly, Anartia jatrophae guantanamo (Nymphalidae)
207 - 210
George W. Rawson
| |
A new species of the genus Bertelia B. & McD. (Pyralidae)
211 - 213
Andre Blanchard
| |
A population of the striped hairstreak, Satyrium liparops liparops (Lycaenidae), in West-Central Florida
Larry N. Brown
| |
The status of Satyrium boreale (Lycaenidae)
214 - 218
Lawrence F. Gall
| |
Oiketicus toumeyi: A bagworm moth new to the Texas fauna (Psychidae)
Raymond W. Neck
| |
The giant blastobasid moths of Yucca (Gelechioidea)
219 - 229
Jerry A. Powell
| |
Letter to the Editor
D. G. Sevastopulo
| |
A survey of the Sphingidae of Sanibel Island, Florida
230 - 233
C. Hugh Brown
| |
First records of Boloria frigga (Nymphalidae) in Wisconsin
233 - 234
Leslie A. Ferge & Roger M. Kuehn
| |
Additional new butterfly records from Florida
234 - 235
Robert Bennett & Edward C. Knudson
| |
Nocturnal activity of a monarch butterfly (Danaidae)
235 - 236
Raymond W. Neck
| |
Crab spider preys on Neophasia menapia (Pieridae)
236 - 237
Daniel T. Jennings & Michael E. Toliver
| |
Butterflies associated with an army ant swarm raid in Honduras
237 - 238
Boyce A. Drummond III
| |
Obituary: Robert Grant Wind (1912 - 1975)
239 - 244
Paul H. Arnaud, Jr. & Thomas W. Davies
| |
Book Review:History of Entomology
William B. Nutting
| |
Presidential address 1976-what insects can we identify?
245 - 251
Ronald W. Hodges
| |
Concerning the name Anthocaris coloradensis Hy. Edwards with designation of a new subspecies (Pieridae)
252 - 259
Kurt Johnson
| |
Photoperiodic regulation of seasonal polyphenism in Phyciodes tharos (Nymphalidae)
260 - 263
Charles G. Oliver
| |
Larval foodplants and life history notes for eight moths from Texas and Mexico
264 - 271
Roy O. Kendall
| |
A key to the last instar larvae of west coast Saturniidae
272 - 276
Paul M. Tuskes
| |
Low cost vacuum freeze-drying
277 - 283
Frank R. Hedges
| |
Two new species of phycitine moths with description of a new genus (Pyralidae)
284 - 288
Andre Blanchard
| |
The biological status of nearctic taxa in the Pieris protodice-occidentalis group (Pieridae)
289 - 300
Arthur M. Shapiro
| |
Population structure of the primrose moth, Schinia florida (Noctuidae)
301 - 304
Steven N. Handel
| |
Female anal hair tuft in Nordmannia myratle (Lycaenidae): egg-camouflaging function and taxonomic significance
305 - 309
Ichiro Nakamura
| |
Ecological notes on Celastrina ebenina (Lycaenidae)
310 - 312
W. H. Wagner, Jr. & Amos H. Showalter
| |
A migration of Vanessa cardui (Nymphalidae)
Walter V. Krivda
| |
Book Review: Macrolepdioptera of Fiji and Rotuma: A Taxonomic and Biogeographic Study
Ronald W. Hodges
| |
Index to Volume 30
314 - 315
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