Journal of the Lepidopterists' Society 1974

Volume 28

The relationship of Holomelina costata (Stretch) and H. intermedia (Graef), with revised synonymy (Arctiidae)

1 - 4

Douglas C. Ferguson




Notes on the biology and distribution of the Cuculliinae (Noctuidae)

5 - 21

Dale Schweitzer




Unusual and interesting butterfly records from Texas

22 - 25

J. W. Tilden




Breeding Heliconius (Nymphalidae) in a temperate climate

26 - 33

John R.G. Turner




Observations on the habitat of Satyrium kingi (Lycaenidae)

33 - 37

Ronald R. Gatrelle




Butterflies of six central new Mexico mountains, with notes on Callophrys (Sandia)macfarladi (Lycaenidae)

38 - 52

Richard Holland




Foodplant specificity in the Plebejus (Icaricia) acmon group (Lycaenidae)

53 - 63

Carll Goodpasture




Population biology and adult behavior of Lycaena arota (Lycaenidae)

64 - 72

James A. Scott




Report of the capture of an additional hybrid between Limenitis arthemis astyanax and L. archippus (Nymphalidae)

72 - 75

Joseph C. Greenfield, Jr. & Austin P. Platt




Movements of Nymphalis californica (Nymphalidae) in 1972

75 - 78

Arthur M. Shapiro




Philoies rita (Lycaenidae) in a sandstorm

78 - 79

Oakley Shields




Letter to the Editor


Rene Lichy




Letter to the Editor


H. B. D. Kettlewell




Obituary: Kenneth John Hayward (1891 - 1972)


Norman D. Riley




Geographical distribution of hostplant choice in Euphydryas editha (Nymphalidae)

103 - 107

Raymond R. White & Michael C. Singer




The biology of Papilio indra nevadensis (Papilionidae) in Nevada

107 - 114

Thomas G. Emmel & John F. Emmel




Field observations on Colias alexandra Edwards (Pieridae)

114 - 125

Scott L. Ellis




A new species of Coptodisca (Heliozelidae) from Mississippi on Farkleberry (Vaccinium arboreum)

126 - 130

J. D. Lafontaine




Potential fecundity of Rhyacionia neomexicana (Dyar) (Olethreutidae) related to pupal size

131 - 136

Daniel T. Jennings




Notes on three species of Hemileuca (Saturniidae) from Eastern Oregon and California

136 - 141

Noel McFarland




Life history notes on some Hemileuca species (Saturniidae)

142 - 145

Capt. Michael J. Smith




Melanism in moths of central Massachusetts (Noctuidae, Geometridae)

145 - 152

Theodore D. Sargent




Biology and immature stages of Schinia mitis (Grote) (Noctuidae)

152 - 157

D. H. Habeck, R. T. Arbogast & L. D. Cline




A further field note on Isoparce cupressi (Sphingidae)


Richard B. Dominick




Bibliographic note on Poey's Centurie de Lepidopteres de L'ile de Cuba,1832

158 - 160

Roderick R. Irwin




Mortality in a group of Megathymus yuccae (Megathymidae)

160 - 161

Ronald R. Gatrelle




Southern records of Mitoura hesseli (Lycaenidae)

161 - 162

Richard A. Anderson




An aberrant interspecific hybrid of Limenitis (Nymphalidae) from Wisconsin

162 - 165

Kurt Johnson




Extended range distribution notes on Geometridae


Roger L. Heitzman




A note on habitat and geography

166 - 167

Clifford D. Ferris




Lepidoptera feeding at puddle-margins, dung and carrion

167 - 168

D.G. Sevastopulo




Larval foodplants and parasites of some Lepidoptera in southeast Arkansas

168 - 170

Richard L. Brown & Robert T. Allen




A note on freeze-drying caterpillars

170 - 171

Richard S. Peigler




Freeze-drying and vacuum dehydration: instrumentation

171 - 172

Richard B. Dominick




The distribution and larval foodplant relationships of Saturnia walterorum (Saturniidae)

172 - 174

P. M. Tuskes




An unusually long pupal stage of Battus polydamas polydamas L. (Papilionidae)

174 - 175

Alberto Muyshondt




An invasion of eastern Colorado by Vanessa cardui (Nymphalidae)


F. Martin Brown




Amphion nessus (Sphingidae) attracted to female Anisota virginiensis pellucida (Citheroniidae)


Richard B. Dominick




Book Review: The Evolution of Melanism

176- 178

Theodore D. Sargent




Book Review: Butterflies of the World

178 - 179

Lee D. Miller




Book Review: Hewitson on Butterflies, 1867-1877

179 - 180

Lee D. Miller




Book Review: An Amateur's Guide to the Study of the Genitalia of Lepidoptera


Lee D. Miller




Presidential Address--1973: The National Collection of Lepidoptera

181 - 204

J. F. Gates Clarke




Technique for specific determinations of dead pupae of Eupithecia (Geometridae)


K. B. Bolte




The microtymbals of some Arctiidae

205 - 211

M. B. Fenton & K. D. Roeder




New state records for Indiana and Illinois


Irwin Leeuw




Feeding and survival of Cecropia (Saturniidae) larvae on variouis plant species

212 - 219

A. G. Scarbrough, G. P. Waldbauer & J. G. Sternburg




Size variation in Euptoieta claudia in Mississippi (Nymphalidae)

220 - 223

Bryant Mather




Phyciodes mylitta (Nymphalidae) on Vancouver Island


Richard Guppy




Gregarious seasonal roosting of Smyrna karwinskii adults in El Salvador (Nymphalidae)

224 - 229

Alberto Muyshondt & Alberto Muyshondt, Jr.




Variation of Erebia callias (Satyridae) in the United States

230 - 236

Clifford D. Ferris




"Attacks" by Polygonia interrogationis (Nymphalidae) on chimney swifts and insects


D. Paul Hendricks




Biennialism in Oeneis macounii (Satyridae)

237 - 242

John H. Masters




Phyciodes texana (Nymphalidae) in California


Richard C. Priestaf




Two moth species (Pericopidae and Notodontidae) new to Texas and the United States

243 - 245

Roy O. Kendall




Urbanus dorantes dorantes Stoll (Hesperiidae): another example of Florida's population explosion

246 - 248

Edward C. Knudson




Butterflies attracted to amber glass


Richard Guppy




Confirmation of Rhopalocera (Pieridae, Nymphalidae) previously recorded for Texas and the United States

249 - 252

Roy O. Kendall




Pellicia costimacula Herrich-Schaffer in the United States (Hesperiidae)


Mike A. Rickard




A preliminary checklist of the butterflies of Kentucky

253 - 256

Charles V. Covell, Jr.




Notes on the biology of Pteronymia notilla (Ithomiidae) in a Costa Rican mountain forest

257 - 268

Allen M. Young




Celastrina ebenina (Lycaenidae) in North Carolina


Richard E. Price, Jr.




Pieris brassicae L. established in Chile; another palearctic pest crosses the Atlantic (Pieridae)

269 - 277

Brian O.C. Gardiner




Comparative notes on certain west-palearctic species of Agriades, with description of a new subspecies of A. pyrenaicus from Turkey (Lycaenidae)

278 - 288

Yuri P. Nekrutenko




Resistance in butterfly foodplants


Oakley Shields




A proposal for the uniform treatment of infrasubspecific variation by Lepidopterists

289 - 290

D. G. Sevastopulo




An attempted interfamilial mating (Lycaenidae-Nymphalidae)

291 - 292

Kurt Johnson




Urania fulgens (Uranidae) captured in Florida


Thomas C. Emmel & V. J. Farkas




Tortyra slossonia collected at UV light on Key Largo, Florida (Glyphipterygidae)


John B. Heppner




Obituary: Romualdo Ferreira D'Almeida (1891 - 1969)

293 - 296

Olaf Mielke




Eurema proterpia (Pieridae) in Kansas


William H. Howe




A new species of the genus Semiothisa from the southeastern United States (Geometridae)

297 - 301

Douglas C. Ferguson




A further note on the acceptability of an alternate foodplant for Hemileuca maia (Drury) (Saturniidae)


Irwin Leeuw




Ethmia bipunctella in Maryland, Pennsylvania and West Virginia: The expanding range of an introduced European moth (Gelechioidea)

302 - 305

John B. Heppner & Jerry A. Powell




Two new Thecla from the continental United States (Lycaenidae)


Michael S. Fisher




Notes on the life cycle and natural history of butterflies of El Salvador. IV.Anaea (Memphis) eurypyle confusa (Nymphalidae)

306 - 314

Alberto Muyshondt




List of foodplants of some East African Rhopalocera, with notes on the early stages of some Lycaenidae

315 - 331

V.G. L. Van Someren




Butterflies taken in light traps


Vernon A. Brou, Jr.




Entomological bibliography of Kenneth John Hayward (1891-1972)

332 - 343

F. Martin Brown




Unusual copulatory behavior in Euphydryas chalcedona (Doubleday) (Nymphalidae)


John H. Masters




Ecological studies of Rhopalocera in a Sierra Nevadan community-Donner Pass, California. V. Faunal additions and foodplant records since 1962

344 - 348

John F. Emmel & Thomas C. Emmel




One new species and two range extensions for British Columbia butterflies


Jon H. Shepard & Sigrid M. Shepard




Genital stridulation in Psilogramma menephron (Sphingidae)

349 - 351

James E. Lloyd




Melitaea pulchella Boisduval 1852, a replacement name

352 - 353

J. W. Tilden




A new foodplant for Satyrium kingi (Lycaenidae)


J. C. Floyd




Three new United States records (Lycaenidae and Nymphalidae) and other unusual captures from the lower Florida keys

354 - 358

Richard A. Anderson




Hybrid between Colias eurytheme and Colias harfordii (Pieridae) captured in California


Richard C. Priestaf




A new subspecies of Lethe appalachia (Satyridae)

359 - 363

Ronald R. Gatrelle & Richard T. Arbogast




Charles Rudkin Collection at the University of California, Irvine


Larry J. Orsak




Book Review: The Moths of American North of Mexico Including Greenland

364 - 367

Frederick H. Rindge




Obituary: Alex K. Wyatt (1878 - 1971)

368 - 371

Roderick R. Irwin




A note on the phenology of Plebeius acmon (Lycaenidae)

371 - 372

Arthur M. Shapiro




Index to Volume 28

373 - 374






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