The relationship of Holomelina costata (Stretch) and H. intermedia (Graef), with revised synonymy (Arctiidae)
1 - 4
Douglas C. Ferguson
| |
Notes on the biology and distribution of the Cuculliinae (Noctuidae)
5 - 21
Dale Schweitzer
| |
Unusual and interesting butterfly records from Texas
22 - 25
J. W. Tilden
| |
Breeding Heliconius (Nymphalidae) in a temperate climate
26 - 33
John R.G. Turner
| |
Observations on the habitat of Satyrium kingi (Lycaenidae)
33 - 37
Ronald R. Gatrelle
| |
Butterflies of six central new Mexico mountains, with notes on Callophrys (Sandia)macfarladi (Lycaenidae)
38 - 52
Richard Holland
| |
Foodplant specificity in the Plebejus (Icaricia) acmon group (Lycaenidae)
53 - 63
Carll Goodpasture
| |
Population biology and adult behavior of Lycaena arota (Lycaenidae)
64 - 72
James A. Scott
| |
Report of the capture of an additional hybrid between Limenitis arthemis astyanax and L. archippus (Nymphalidae)
72 - 75
Joseph C. Greenfield, Jr. & Austin P. Platt
| |
Movements of Nymphalis californica (Nymphalidae) in 1972
75 - 78
Arthur M. Shapiro
| |
Philoies rita (Lycaenidae) in a sandstorm
78 - 79
Oakley Shields
| |
Letter to the Editor
Rene Lichy
| |
Letter to the Editor
H. B. D. Kettlewell
| |
Obituary: Kenneth John Hayward (1891 - 1972)
Norman D. Riley
| |
Geographical distribution of hostplant choice in Euphydryas editha (Nymphalidae)
103 - 107
Raymond R. White & Michael C. Singer
| |
The biology of Papilio indra nevadensis (Papilionidae) in Nevada
107 - 114
Thomas G. Emmel & John F. Emmel
| |
Field observations on Colias alexandra Edwards (Pieridae)
114 - 125
Scott L. Ellis
| |
A new species of Coptodisca (Heliozelidae) from Mississippi on Farkleberry (Vaccinium arboreum)
126 - 130
J. D. Lafontaine
| |
Potential fecundity of Rhyacionia neomexicana (Dyar) (Olethreutidae) related to pupal size
131 - 136
Daniel T. Jennings
| |
Notes on three species of Hemileuca (Saturniidae) from Eastern Oregon and California
136 - 141
Noel McFarland
| |
Life history notes on some Hemileuca species (Saturniidae)
142 - 145
Capt. Michael J. Smith
| |
Melanism in moths of central Massachusetts (Noctuidae, Geometridae)
145 - 152
Theodore D. Sargent
| |
Biology and immature stages of Schinia mitis (Grote) (Noctuidae)
152 - 157
D. H. Habeck, R. T. Arbogast & L. D. Cline
| |
A further field note on Isoparce cupressi (Sphingidae)
Richard B. Dominick
| |
Bibliographic note on Poey's Centurie de Lepidopteres de L'ile de Cuba,1832
158 - 160
Roderick R. Irwin
| |
Mortality in a group of Megathymus yuccae (Megathymidae)
160 - 161
Ronald R. Gatrelle
| |
Southern records of Mitoura hesseli (Lycaenidae)
161 - 162
Richard A. Anderson
| |
An aberrant interspecific hybrid of Limenitis (Nymphalidae) from Wisconsin
162 - 165
Kurt Johnson
| |
Extended range distribution notes on Geometridae
Roger L. Heitzman
| |
A note on habitat and geography
166 - 167
Clifford D. Ferris
| |
Lepidoptera feeding at puddle-margins, dung and carrion
167 - 168
D.G. Sevastopulo
| |
Larval foodplants and parasites of some Lepidoptera in southeast Arkansas
168 - 170
Richard L. Brown & Robert T. Allen
| |
A note on freeze-drying caterpillars
170 - 171
Richard S. Peigler
| |
Freeze-drying and vacuum dehydration: instrumentation
171 - 172
Richard B. Dominick
| |
The distribution and larval foodplant relationships of Saturnia walterorum (Saturniidae)
172 - 174
P. M. Tuskes
| |
An unusually long pupal stage of Battus polydamas polydamas L. (Papilionidae)
174 - 175
Alberto Muyshondt
| |
An invasion of eastern Colorado by Vanessa cardui (Nymphalidae)
F. Martin Brown
| |
Amphion nessus (Sphingidae) attracted to female Anisota virginiensis pellucida (Citheroniidae)
Richard B. Dominick
| |
Book Review: The Evolution of Melanism
176- 178
Theodore D. Sargent
| |
Book Review: Butterflies of the World
178 - 179
Lee D. Miller
| |
Book Review: Hewitson on Butterflies, 1867-1877
179 - 180
Lee D. Miller
| |
Book Review: An Amateur's Guide to the Study of the Genitalia of Lepidoptera
Lee D. Miller
| |
Presidential Address--1973: The National Collection of Lepidoptera
181 - 204
J. F. Gates Clarke
| |
Technique for specific determinations of dead pupae of Eupithecia (Geometridae)
K. B. Bolte
| |
The microtymbals of some Arctiidae
205 - 211
M. B. Fenton & K. D. Roeder
| |
New state records for Indiana and Illinois
Irwin Leeuw
| |
Feeding and survival of Cecropia (Saturniidae) larvae on variouis plant species
212 - 219
A. G. Scarbrough, G. P. Waldbauer & J. G. Sternburg
| |
Size variation in Euptoieta claudia in Mississippi (Nymphalidae)
220 - 223
Bryant Mather
| |
Phyciodes mylitta (Nymphalidae) on Vancouver Island
Richard Guppy
| |
Gregarious seasonal roosting of Smyrna karwinskii adults in El Salvador (Nymphalidae)
224 - 229
Alberto Muyshondt & Alberto Muyshondt, Jr.
| |
Variation of Erebia callias (Satyridae) in the United States
230 - 236
Clifford D. Ferris
| |
"Attacks" by Polygonia interrogationis (Nymphalidae) on chimney swifts and insects
D. Paul Hendricks
| |
Biennialism in Oeneis macounii (Satyridae)
237 - 242
John H. Masters
| |
Phyciodes texana (Nymphalidae) in California
Richard C. Priestaf
| |
Two moth species (Pericopidae and Notodontidae) new to Texas and the United States
243 - 245
Roy O. Kendall
| |
Urbanus dorantes dorantes Stoll (Hesperiidae): another example of Florida's population explosion
246 - 248
Edward C. Knudson
| |
Butterflies attracted to amber glass
Richard Guppy
| |
Confirmation of Rhopalocera (Pieridae, Nymphalidae) previously recorded for Texas and the United States
249 - 252
Roy O. Kendall
| |
Pellicia costimacula Herrich-Schaffer in the United States (Hesperiidae)
Mike A. Rickard
| |
A preliminary checklist of the butterflies of Kentucky
253 - 256
Charles V. Covell, Jr.
| |
Notes on the biology of Pteronymia notilla (Ithomiidae) in a Costa Rican mountain forest
257 - 268
Allen M. Young
| |
Celastrina ebenina (Lycaenidae) in North Carolina
Richard E. Price, Jr.
| |
Pieris brassicae L. established in Chile; another palearctic pest crosses the Atlantic (Pieridae)
269 - 277
Brian O.C. Gardiner
| |
Comparative notes on certain west-palearctic species of Agriades, with description of a new subspecies of A. pyrenaicus from Turkey (Lycaenidae)
278 - 288
Yuri P. Nekrutenko
| |
Resistance in butterfly foodplants
Oakley Shields
| |
A proposal for the uniform treatment of infrasubspecific variation by Lepidopterists
289 - 290
D. G. Sevastopulo
| |
An attempted interfamilial mating (Lycaenidae-Nymphalidae)
291 - 292
Kurt Johnson
| |
Urania fulgens (Uranidae) captured in Florida
Thomas C. Emmel & V. J. Farkas
| |
Tortyra slossonia collected at UV light on Key Largo, Florida (Glyphipterygidae)
John B. Heppner
| |
Obituary: Romualdo Ferreira D'Almeida (1891 - 1969)
293 - 296
Olaf Mielke
| |
Eurema proterpia (Pieridae) in Kansas
William H. Howe
| |
A new species of the genus Semiothisa from the southeastern United States (Geometridae)
297 - 301
Douglas C. Ferguson
| |
A further note on the acceptability of an alternate foodplant for Hemileuca maia (Drury) (Saturniidae)
Irwin Leeuw
| |
Ethmia bipunctella in Maryland, Pennsylvania and West Virginia: The expanding range of an introduced European moth (Gelechioidea)
302 - 305
John B. Heppner & Jerry A. Powell
| |
Two new Thecla from the continental United States (Lycaenidae)
Michael S. Fisher
| |
Notes on the life cycle and natural history of butterflies of El Salvador. IV.Anaea (Memphis) eurypyle confusa (Nymphalidae)
306 - 314
Alberto Muyshondt
| |
List of foodplants of some East African Rhopalocera, with notes on the early stages of some Lycaenidae
315 - 331
V.G. L. Van Someren
| |
Butterflies taken in light traps
Vernon A. Brou, Jr.
| |
Entomological bibliography of Kenneth John Hayward (1891-1972)
332 - 343
F. Martin Brown
| |
Unusual copulatory behavior in Euphydryas chalcedona (Doubleday) (Nymphalidae)
John H. Masters
| |
Ecological studies of Rhopalocera in a Sierra Nevadan community-Donner Pass, California. V. Faunal additions and foodplant records since 1962
344 - 348
John F. Emmel & Thomas C. Emmel
| |
One new species and two range extensions for British Columbia butterflies
Jon H. Shepard & Sigrid M. Shepard
| |
Genital stridulation in Psilogramma menephron (Sphingidae)
349 - 351
James E. Lloyd
| |
Melitaea pulchella Boisduval 1852, a replacement name
352 - 353
J. W. Tilden
| |
A new foodplant for Satyrium kingi (Lycaenidae)
J. C. Floyd
| |
Three new United States records (Lycaenidae and Nymphalidae) and other unusual captures from the lower Florida keys
354 - 358
Richard A. Anderson
| |
Hybrid between Colias eurytheme and Colias harfordii (Pieridae) captured in California
Richard C. Priestaf
| |
A new subspecies of Lethe appalachia (Satyridae)
359 - 363
Ronald R. Gatrelle & Richard T. Arbogast
| |
Charles Rudkin Collection at the University of California, Irvine
Larry J. Orsak
| |
Book Review: The Moths of American North of Mexico Including Greenland
364 - 367
Frederick H. Rindge
| |
Obituary: Alex K. Wyatt (1878 - 1971)
368 - 371
Roderick R. Irwin
| |
A note on the phenology of Plebeius acmon (Lycaenidae)
371 - 372
Arthur M. Shapiro
| |
Index to Volume 28
373 - 374
| |