Journal of the Lepidopterists' Society 1973

Volume 27

Life history of Isoparce cupressi (Sphingidae)

1 - 8

Richard B. Dominick




Behavioral adaptations of cryptic moths. VI. Further experimental studies on bark-like species

8 - 12

Theodore D. Sargent




Notes on life histories and habits of some western Theclinae

13 - 15

E. J. Newcomer




Preliminary report on communal resting of Smyrna karwinskii adults (Nymphalidae)

15 - 16

Alberto Muyshondt




Bird predation on Papilio polyxenes F. (Papilionidae)


James M. Erickson




Habitat selection and population structure in Plebejus saepiolus Boisduval (Lycaenidae)

17 - 22

Margaret A. Sharp & David R. Parks




Foodplant ecology of the butterfly Chlosyne lacinia (Geyer) (Nymphalidae). I. Larval foodplants

22 - 33

Raymond W. Neck




The collection of butterflies made by Jack Dennis at Beulah, Manitoba

33 - 39

John H. Masters




A review of the Amblyscirtes with the description of a new species from Mexico (Hesperiidae)

40 - 57

Hugh Avery Freeman




A revision of the Colias alexandra complex (Pieridae) aided by ultraviolet reflectance photography with designation of a new subspecies

57 - 73

Clifford D. Ferris




The genetics of fore and hindwing colour in crosses between Danaus chrysippus from Australia and from Sierra Leone (Danaidae)

73 - 77

C. A. Clarke, P. M. Sheppard & A. G. Smith




A new Callithomia (Leithomia) from Amazonas, Venezuela (Ithomiidae)

78 - 79

John H. Masters




An "albino" Lycaena helloides (Lycaenidae)


Arthur M. Shapiro




A new subspecies of Callithomia hezia from Zulia, Venezuela (Ithomiidae)

80 - 83

John H. Masters




Some field notes on Isoparce cupressi Bdv. (Sphingidae)

83 - 84

Michael D. Van Buskirk




Interesting Florida butterfly records

84 - 85

D. L. Burris




A new specimen of Cynthia annabella "ab. muelleri" from California (Nymphalidae)


Arthur M. Shapiro




Book Review: Tropical Butterflies


John H. Masters




Obituary: Alvah Peterson (1888 - 1972)


Charles L. Selman




Lepidoptera feeding at puddle-margins, dung, and carrion

89 - 99

J. A. Downes




A new genus and species of Oecophoridae from tropical America

99 - 102

J.F. Gates Clarke




Record and illustration of some interesting moths flying in Texas (Sphingidae, Ctenuchidae, Noctuidae, Notodontidae, Geometridae, Pyralidae, Cossidae)

103 - 108

Andre Blanchard




Chromosome numbers for Plebejus (Icaricia)acmon, P. lupini, and P. neurona (Lycaenidae)

109 - 112

Carll Goodpasture




Callophrys (Incisalia)polios (Lycaenidae): distribution in North America and description of a new subspecies

112 - 118

Clifford D. Ferris & Michael S. Fisher




The larva of Loxagrotis kyune (Barnes) (Noctuidae)

119 - 122

George L. Godfrey




Methods for externally sexing mature larvae and pupae of Limenitis (Nymphalidae)

122 - 129

Philip J. Kean & Austin P. Platt




Illustrations of Heliconius (Nymphalidae): some rare and important specimens

130 - 136

John R.G. Turner




Populations of Papilio andraemon bonhotei Sharpe and Papilio aristodemus ponceanus Schaus (Papilionidae) in Biscayne National Monument, Florida

136 - 140

Larry N. Brown




On Glenoides texanaria (Geometridae) with designation of the lectotype


Frederick H. Rindge




A new species of the genus Glenoides McDunnough (Geometridae)

141 - 143

Andre Blanchard




Midges (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) sucking blood of caterpillars


D. G. Sevastopulo




Notes on Virginia butterflies, with two new state records

144 - 154

Charles V. Covell, Jr. & Gerald B. Straley




A massive migration of Kricogonia (Pieridae) in Campeche, Mexico

154 - 155

Eduardo C. Welling M.




An alternative cause of dimorphism in Papilio pupae (Papilionidae)

155 - 157

D. G. Sevastopulo




Abnormalities and heredity


D. G. Sevastopulo




Host records for Brephidium exilis (Lycaenidae)

157 - 158

Arthur M. Shapiro




An attempted interfamilial mating (Lycaenidae, Nymphalidae)


Arthur M. Shapiro




Issiki Collection of Microlepidoptera to the Smithsonian Institution

159 - 160

Donald Ray Davis




A new generic name in Midilinae (Pyralidae)


Vitor Osmar Becker




Taxonomic significance of reflective patterns in the compound eye of live butterflies: a synthesis of observations made on species from Japan, Taiwan, Papua New Guinea and Australia

161 - 175

Atuhiro Sibatani




Studies on the Catocala (Noctuidae) of southern New England. IV. A preliminary analysis of beak-damaged specimens, with discussion of anomaly as a potential anti-predator function of hindwing diversity

175 - 192

Theodore D. Sargent




An orchid attractant for Monarch butterflies (Danaidae)

192 - 196

W. H. Wagner, Jr.




On Ornithoptera priamus caelestis Rothschild, Demophanes Fruhstorfer and Boisduvali Montrouzier (Papilionidae)

196 - 205

H. Borch & F. Schmid




Project Ponceanus: a report on first efforts to survey and preserve the Schaus swallowtail (Papilionidae) in southern Florida

206 - 210

Charles V. Covell, Jr. & George W. Rawson




Notes on the life cycle and natural history of butterflies of El Salvador. I. Prepona omphale octavia (Nymphalidae)

210 - 219

Alberto Muyshondt




Two new species of Phycitinae from Texas, with description of two new genera (Pyralidae)

219 - 225

Andre Blanchard




Notes on the taxonomic status of Hyalophora columbia (Saturniidae)

225 - 235

Michael M. Collins




Notes on Siproeta and Metamorpha with figures of Siproeta epaphus gadoui Masters (Nymphalidae)

235 - 237

John H. Masters




New foodplant: records for Papilio polyxenes F. (Papilionidae)

237 - 238

Sherry S. Rehr




A yellow aberration of Lerodea eufala (Hesperiidae)


Arthur M. Shapiro




A population of Lethe appalachia (Satyridae) from west central Florida

238 - 239

Larry N. Brown




Notes on the occurrence of Hesperia pahaska martini (Hesperiidae) in Colorado

239 - 240

Michael S. Fisher




Recent Smithsonian Lepidoptera accessions

240 - 241

J.F. Gates Clarke




Proposed Amendments to the Constitution of the Lepidopterists' Society

241 - 242




Descriptions of new neotropical Hesperiidae

243 - 257

S. S. Nicolay




The life cycle of Dircenna relata (Ithomiidae) in Costa Rica

258 - 267

Allen M. Young




The genus Eumarozia Heinrich (Olethreutidae)

268 - 273

J.F. Gates Clarke




Three natural hybrids of Vanessa atalanta rubria xCynthia annabella (Nymphalidae)

274 - 278

Thomas E. Dimock




Life history of Callophrys s. sheridanii (Lycaenidae) and notes on other species

279 - 283

Clifford D. Ferris




Down-valley flight of adult Theclini (Lycaenidae) in search of nourishment

283 - 287

James A. Scott




The identity of Macaria inaptata Walker and Itame varadaria (Walker) (Geometridae)

288 - 290

Douglas C. Ferguson




Transfer of Cymoriza abrotalis Walker, 1859, from Nymphula Schrank to Dismilila Dyar (Pyralidae: Nymphulinae, Midilinae)

290 - 291

Eugene Munroe




Unusual copulatory behavior in the Nymphalidae and Satyridae

291 - 294

Edwin M. Perkins, Jr.




Notes on the life cycle and natural history of butterflies of El Salvador. II.Anaea (zaretis) itys (Nymphalidae)

294 - 302

Alberto Muyshondt




Some observations on Dryas iulia iulia (Heliconiidae)

302 - 303

Alberto Muyshondt




New Mexican Sphingidae records

303 - 304

Carlos R. Beutelspacher B.




Apodemia mormo near Dialeuca (Riodinidae) from montaine southern California: new for U.S.A.

304 - 305

Ray E. Stanford




Boloria selene (Nymphalidae) ambushed by a true bug (Heteroptera)

305 - 307

Robert Michael Pyle




Book Review: South's British Butterflies

307 - 309

John R.G. Turner




Book Review:An Index to the Described Life Histories, Early Stages and Hosts of the Macrolepidoptera of the Continental United States and Canada

309 - 310

Douglas C. Ferguson




Book Review: Butterflies of Australia

310 - 311

Lee D. Miller




First Karl Jordan Medal awarded to Henri Stempffer

311 - 312

Lee D. Miller




Index to Volume 26

313 - 318






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