New records for New Jersey with notes of other scarce captures in 1967
1 - 3
J. Muller
| |
A new subspecies of Brephidium exilis from Yucatan (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae)
3 - 6
H. K. Clench
| |
An interesting new species of the new world Gnorimoschemini (Gelechiidae) from the Lesser Antilles
6 - 10
D. F. Povolny
| |
A new Perisama (Nymphalidae: Callicorini) from Bolivia
10 - 13
J. H. Masters
| |
Multiple capture of Caria ino melicerta (Riodinidae) at light
13 - 15
L. D. Miller
| |
Bionomie notes on Haeterini and Biini in Venezuela (Satyridae)
15 - 18
J. H. Masters
| |
Studies on the biology and seasonal history of Polydorus aristolochiae (Papilionidae)
19 - 22
G. H. Munshi & S. A. Moiz
| |
A new Callithomia (Ithomiidae) from Bolivia
22 - 24
J. H. Masters
| |
An observation on the use of color for species-recognition in Heliconius besckei (Nymphalidae)
M. G. Emsley
| |
A revised synonymic catalogue with taxonomic notes on some Nearctic Lycaenidae
26 - 38
C. F. Dos Passos
| |
On the nature and use of the suffix -ellus, ella, -ellum in species group names
38 - 41
G. C. Steyskal
| |
New Michigan butterfly records
42 - 47
M. C. Nielsen
| |
Head measurements and weights of the bean leaf roller, Urbanus proteus (Hesperiidae)
47 - 51
G. L. Greene
| |
What's your collection worth?
51 - 54
C. V. Covell
| |
The immature stages of Scopula ancellata (Hulst) (Geometridae)
54 - 55
W. C. McGuffin
| |
Generic notes on two hairstreaks new to the United States (Lycaenidae)
56 - 59
H. K. Clench
| |
Three hairstreaks (Lycaenidae) new to Texas and the United States
59 - 61
R. O. Kendall
| |
Inexpensive photomicrography
61 - 68
J. M. Kolyer
| |
Notes on the genus Cephise Evans, with a new record for Mexico (Hesperiidae)
68 - 69
H. A. Freeman
| |
Obituary of Alexandr Sergeevich Danilevski
70 - 72
A. Diakonoff
| |
Mating flight of butterflies with mimetic females and non-mimetic males
R. H. Carcasson
| |
Minutes of 16th annual meeting of Pacific slope section
73 - 76
| |
Zoological Nomenclature
The environmental regulation of seasonal dimorphism in /Pieris napi oleracea/ (Pieridae)
| |
77 - 81
C. G. Oliver
| |
A plastic relaxing box for pinned and papered specimens
81 - 83
R. S. Rozman
| |
A redescription of Strymon borealis Lafontaine (Lycaenidae)
83 - 86
J. D. Lafontaine
| |
A new species of Cameraria on bur oak in Manitoba (Gracillaridae)
86 - 87
T. N. Freeman
| |
Considerations sur le meole D'Ornithoptera allottei Rothschild et sur la phylogenie des ornithopteres
88 - 105
F. Schmid
| |
Studies on the Catocala (Noctuidae) of southern New England. I. Abundance and seasonal occurrence of the species, 1961-1969
105 - 117
T. D. Sargent & S. A. Hessel
| |
Communal roosting in Colias and Phoebis (Pieridae)
117 - 120
H. K. Clench
| |
Two new Mexican Hesperiidae
120 - 124
L. D. Miller
| |
Variations in the markings of Pieris rapae (Pieridae) induced during the pupal stage
125 - 134
J. M. Kolyer
| |
The biology and laboratory culture of Chlosyne lacinia Geyer (Nymphalidae)
135 - 142
B. A. Drummond, G. L. Bush & T. C. Emmel
| |
Notes on Lethe creola (Satyridae), with designation of lectotype
143 - 151
R. R. Irwin
| |
The life history of Eutricopis nexilis (Noctuidae)
151 - 156
D. F. Hardwick
| |
The migrations of the painted lady butterfly, Vanessa cardui (Nymphalidae), with special reference to North America
157 - 175
C. B. Williams
| |
Variation of Graphium marcellus in Mississippi (Papilionidae)
176 - 189
B. Mather
| |
The aegeriid Ramosia fragariae in a flight trap, and the interpretation thereof
H. B. Leech
| |
New aspects on the association between lycaenid larvae (Lycaenidae) and ants (Formicidae, Hymenoptera)
190 - 202
H. Malicky
| |
Occurrence of Coenonympha inornata (Satyridae) in Maine
C. D. Ferris
| |
Distributional notes on the genus Mesira (Nymphalidae) in North America
203 - 208
J. H. Masters
| |
Freeman collection of Megathymidae donated to the American Museum of Natural History
F. H. Rindge
| |
The effect of photoperiod on the termination of pupal diapause in the wild silkworm, Actias luna
209 - 212
D. A. Wright
| |
Field notes on three skippers in Texas (Hesperiidae)
J. F. Doyle III
| |
Comments on forms of Gonepteryx aspasia (Pieridae) described by Shu-iti Murayama
213 - 217
Y. P. Nekrutenko
| |
New sphinx moth record for the United States
W. H. Howe
| |
A new subspecies of Gonepteryx rhamni from Tian-Shan Mountains, U.S.S.R.
218 - 220
Y. P. Nekrutenko
| |
Host plant finding by odor in adult Coryphista meadi (Geometridae)
220 - 224
D. E. Berube
| |
A bilateral gynadromorph of Pieris rapae (Pieridae)
A. M. Shapiro
| |
A note on the systematic position of Papilio antimachus
224 - 225
P. R. Ehrlich
| |
Courtship and mating between Chlosyne neumoegeni and Chlosyne californica (Nymphalidae)
R. C. Priestaf
| |
Further eastward extension of the range of Euchloe ausonides mayi (Pieridae) in Ontario
R. R. Tasker
| |
A new foodplant record for Ecpantheria scribonia (Aretiidae)
J. A. Concello
| |
Crambidia pura (Arctiidae) new for Canada
J. C. E. Riotte
| |
Notes on Callophrys (Callophrys)comstocki Henne in Nevada
C. J. Callaghan
| |
Book Review: A Short History of the Brown-Tail Moth
D. F. Hardwick
| |
Is Papilio gothica a good species?
229 - 233
C. A. Clarke & P. M. Sheppard
| |
A new record for North America of a swallowtail butterfly (Papilionidae)
R. J. Jae
| |
The life history of Pyrrhia experimens (Noctuidae)
234 - 239
D. F. Hardwick
| |
A melanic aberration of Papilio cresphontes (Papilionidae)
V. A. Brou
| |
New or unusual butterfly records from Florida
240 - 244
H. K. Clench
| |
Pieris protodice and Urbanus dorantes in southern Florida
244 - 247
L. D. Miller & J. Y. Miller
| |
A new species of Piruna from Texas (Hesperiidae)
247 - 249
H. A. Freeman
| |
Observations on some Phycitinae (Pyralidae) of Texas with descriptions of two new species
249 - 255
A. Blanchard
| |
Incisalia fotis schryveri (Lycaenidae):bionomic notes and life history
256 - 266
C. D. Ferris & R. E. Stanford
| |
Lerema ancillaris (Hesperiidae) new to Texas and the United States
R. O. Kendall
| |
A new sphinx moth from the West Indies (Sphingidae)
267 - 270
C. R. A. Cary
| |
Record of a naturally occurring Limenitis hybrid (Nymphalidae)
E. V. Gage
| |
Larvae of Haploa clymene (Arctiidae) hibernating on concrete bridges
T. D. Eichlin & H. B. Cunningham
| |
Canadian species of Lithocolletis feeding on Salix and Populus (Gracillariidae)
272 - 281
T. N. Freeman
| |
The life history of Schinia florida (Noctuidae)
282 - 287
D. F. Hardwick
| |
New species of Syllepis Poey (Pyralidae: Pyraustinae), with a key to known species
287 - 291
E. Munroe
| |
Notes on two more Mexican Adelpha and related central American species (Nymphalidae)
292 - 297
L. D. Miller & J. Y. Miller
| |
The affinities of the Ithomiinae and Satyrinae
297 - 300
L. E. Gilbert & P. R. Ehrlich
| |
A day-flying moth (Pericopidae) new to Texas and the United States
301 - 303
R. O. Kendall
| |
Notes on the use of net-traps at Palawan, Philippines
303 - 304
J. N. Jumalon
| |
Some butterflies of Madison Co., Illinois
C. R. Cushing
| |
Notes on a brief collecting trip to Negros, Philippines
J. N. Jumalon
| |
The feeding habits of Oeneis jutta reducta (Satyridae)
306 - 307
C. D. Ferris
| |
Book Review: Annotationes Rhopalocerologicae
F. M. Brown
| |
Index to Volume 24
308 - 310
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