Journal of the Lepidopterists' Society 1970

Volume 24

New records for New Jersey with notes of other scarce captures in 1967

1 - 3

J. Muller




A new subspecies of Brephidium exilis from Yucatan (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae)

3 - 6

H. K. Clench




An interesting new species of the new world Gnorimoschemini (Gelechiidae) from the Lesser Antilles

6 - 10

D. F. Povolny




A new Perisama (Nymphalidae: Callicorini) from Bolivia

10 - 13

J. H. Masters




Multiple capture of Caria ino melicerta (Riodinidae) at light

13 - 15

L. D. Miller




Bionomie notes on Haeterini and Biini in Venezuela (Satyridae)

15 - 18

J. H. Masters




Studies on the biology and seasonal history of Polydorus aristolochiae (Papilionidae)

19 - 22

G. H. Munshi & S. A. Moiz




A new Callithomia (Ithomiidae) from Bolivia

22 - 24

J. H. Masters




An observation on the use of color for species-recognition in Heliconius besckei (Nymphalidae)


M. G. Emsley




A revised synonymic catalogue with taxonomic notes on some Nearctic Lycaenidae

26 - 38

C. F. Dos Passos




On the nature and use of the suffix -ellus, ella, -ellum in species group names

38 - 41

G. C. Steyskal




New Michigan butterfly records

42 - 47

M. C. Nielsen




Head measurements and weights of the bean leaf roller, Urbanus proteus (Hesperiidae)

47 - 51

G. L. Greene




What's your collection worth?

51 - 54

C. V. Covell




The immature stages of Scopula ancellata (Hulst) (Geometridae)

54 - 55

W. C. McGuffin




Generic notes on two hairstreaks new to the United States (Lycaenidae)

56 - 59

H. K. Clench




Three hairstreaks (Lycaenidae) new to Texas and the United States

59 - 61

R. O. Kendall




Inexpensive photomicrography

61 - 68

J. M. Kolyer




Notes on the genus Cephise Evans, with a new record for Mexico (Hesperiidae)

68 - 69

H. A. Freeman




Obituary of Alexandr Sergeevich Danilevski

70 - 72

A. Diakonoff




Mating flight of butterflies with mimetic females and non-mimetic males


R. H. Carcasson




Minutes of 16th annual meeting of Pacific slope section

73 - 76




Zoological Nomenclature


The environmental regulation of seasonal dimorphism in /Pieris napi oleracea/ (Pieridae)





77 - 81

C. G. Oliver




A plastic relaxing box for pinned and papered specimens

81 - 83

R. S. Rozman




A redescription of Strymon borealis Lafontaine (Lycaenidae)

83 - 86

J. D. Lafontaine




A new species of Cameraria on bur oak in Manitoba (Gracillaridae)

86 - 87

T. N. Freeman




Considerations sur le meole D'Ornithoptera allottei Rothschild et sur la phylogenie des ornithopteres

88 - 105

F. Schmid




Studies on the Catocala (Noctuidae) of southern New England. I. Abundance and seasonal occurrence of the species, 1961-1969

105 - 117

T. D. Sargent & S. A. Hessel




Communal roosting in Colias and Phoebis (Pieridae)

117 - 120

H. K. Clench




Two new Mexican Hesperiidae

120 - 124

L. D. Miller




Variations in the markings of Pieris rapae (Pieridae) induced during the pupal stage

125 - 134

J. M. Kolyer




The biology and laboratory culture of Chlosyne lacinia Geyer (Nymphalidae)

135 - 142

B. A. Drummond, G. L. Bush & T. C. Emmel




Notes on Lethe creola (Satyridae), with designation of lectotype

143 - 151

R. R. Irwin




The life history of Eutricopis nexilis (Noctuidae)

151 - 156

D. F. Hardwick




The migrations of the painted lady butterfly, Vanessa cardui (Nymphalidae), with special reference to North America

157 - 175

C. B. Williams




Variation of Graphium marcellus in Mississippi (Papilionidae)

176 - 189

B. Mather




The aegeriid Ramosia fragariae in a flight trap, and the interpretation thereof


H. B. Leech




New aspects on the association between lycaenid larvae (Lycaenidae) and ants (Formicidae, Hymenoptera)

190 - 202

H. Malicky




Occurrence of Coenonympha inornata (Satyridae) in Maine


C. D. Ferris




Distributional notes on the genus Mesira (Nymphalidae) in North America

203 - 208

J. H. Masters




Freeman collection of Megathymidae donated to the American Museum of Natural History


F. H. Rindge




The effect of photoperiod on the termination of pupal diapause in the wild silkworm, Actias luna

209 - 212

D. A. Wright




Field notes on three skippers in Texas (Hesperiidae)


J. F. Doyle III




Comments on forms of Gonepteryx aspasia (Pieridae) described by Shu-iti Murayama

213 - 217

Y. P. Nekrutenko




New sphinx moth record for the United States


W. H. Howe




A new subspecies of Gonepteryx rhamni from Tian-Shan Mountains, U.S.S.R.

218 - 220

Y. P. Nekrutenko




Host plant finding by odor in adult Coryphista meadi (Geometridae)

220 - 224

D. E. Berube




A bilateral gynadromorph of Pieris rapae (Pieridae)


A. M. Shapiro




A note on the systematic position of Papilio antimachus

224 - 225

P. R. Ehrlich




Courtship and mating between Chlosyne neumoegeni and Chlosyne californica (Nymphalidae)


R. C. Priestaf




Further eastward extension of the range of Euchloe ausonides mayi (Pieridae) in Ontario


R. R. Tasker




A new foodplant record for Ecpantheria scribonia (Aretiidae)


J. A. Concello




Crambidia pura (Arctiidae) new for Canada


J. C. E. Riotte




Notes on Callophrys (Callophrys)comstocki Henne in Nevada


C. J. Callaghan




Book Review: A Short History of the Brown-Tail Moth


D. F. Hardwick




Is Papilio gothica a good species?

229 - 233

C. A. Clarke & P. M. Sheppard




A new record for North America of a swallowtail butterfly (Papilionidae)


R. J. Jae




The life history of Pyrrhia experimens (Noctuidae)

234 - 239

D. F. Hardwick




A melanic aberration of Papilio cresphontes (Papilionidae)


V. A. Brou




New or unusual butterfly records from Florida

240 - 244

H. K. Clench




Pieris protodice and Urbanus dorantes in southern Florida

244 - 247

L. D. Miller & J. Y. Miller




A new species of Piruna from Texas (Hesperiidae)

247 - 249

H. A. Freeman




Observations on some Phycitinae (Pyralidae) of Texas with descriptions of two new species

249 - 255

A. Blanchard




Incisalia fotis schryveri (Lycaenidae):bionomic notes and life history

256 - 266

C. D. Ferris & R. E. Stanford




Lerema ancillaris (Hesperiidae) new to Texas and the United States


R. O. Kendall




A new sphinx moth from the West Indies (Sphingidae)

267 - 270

C. R. A. Cary




Record of a naturally occurring Limenitis hybrid (Nymphalidae)


E. V. Gage




Larvae of Haploa clymene (Arctiidae) hibernating on concrete bridges


T. D. Eichlin & H. B. Cunningham




Canadian species of Lithocolletis feeding on Salix and Populus (Gracillariidae)

272 - 281

T. N. Freeman




The life history of Schinia florida (Noctuidae)

282 - 287

D. F. Hardwick




New species of Syllepis Poey (Pyralidae: Pyraustinae), with a key to known species

287 - 291

E. Munroe




Notes on two more Mexican Adelpha and related central American species (Nymphalidae)

292 - 297

L. D. Miller & J. Y. Miller




The affinities of the Ithomiinae and Satyrinae

297 - 300

L. E. Gilbert & P. R. Ehrlich




A day-flying moth (Pericopidae) new to Texas and the United States

301 - 303

R. O. Kendall




Notes on the use of net-traps at Palawan, Philippines

303 - 304

J. N. Jumalon




Some butterflies of Madison Co., Illinois


C. R. Cushing




Notes on a brief collecting trip to Negros, Philippines


J. N. Jumalon




The feeding habits of Oeneis jutta reducta (Satyridae)

306 - 307

C. D. Ferris




Book Review: Annotationes Rhopalocerologicae


F. M. Brown




Index to Volume 24

308 - 310






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