Notes on the Balanotes (Meyrick) group of Oidaematophorus Wallengren with description of a new species (Pterophoridae)
1 - 13
Everett D. Cashatt
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Annotated list of the butterflies of Indiana, 1971
13 - 24
Ernest M. Shull & F. Sidney Badger
| |
The life history of Schinia intrabilis (Noctuidae)
24 - 28
D. F. Hardwick
| |
Natural inter-breeding of close nymphalid groups
Raymond J. Jae
| |
The life history of Schinia pallicincta (Noctuidae)
29 - 33
D. F. Hardwick
| |
Protective function of sound perception and gregariousness in Hylesia larvae (Saturniidae: Hemileucinae)
33 - 34
Charles L. Hogue
| |
Studies on the Catocala (Noctuidae) of Southern New England II. Comparison of collecting procedures
35 - 49
Charles G. Kellogg & Theodore D. Sargent
| |
Three butterfly species (Lycaenidae, Nymphalidae, and Heliconiidae) new to Texas and the United States
49 - 56
Roy O. Kendall
| |
More new moths from Texas (Noctuidae)
56 - 63
Andre Blanchard
| |
A possible case of mimicry between lycaenid butterflies (Lycaenidae)
63 - 64
George T. Austin
| |
The use of chloroethane for immobilization of field specimens
Raymond Castilonia
| |
Midges sucking blood of caterpillars (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae)
Willis W. Wirth
| |
Obituary: Percy Heath Hobart Gray (1891 - 1971)
66 - 67
A. C. Sheppard
| |
Practical freeze-drying and vacuum dehydration of caterpillars
68 - 79
Richard B. Dominick
| |
A new species of the genus Pyromorpha Herrich-Schaeffeh (Pyromorphidae)
79 - 82
Andre Blanchard
| |
The life history of Schinia citrinellus (Noctuidae)
82 - 86
D. F. Hardwick
| |
Life history notes on Callosamia securifera (Saturniidae)
Michael D. Van Buskirk
| |
The life history of Schinia jaegeri (Noctuidae)
89 - 93
D. F. Hardwick
| |
Studies on the Catocala (Noctuidae) of Southern New England. III. Mating results with C. relicta Walker
94 - 104
Theodore D. Sargent
| |
Observed mating between Pieris rapae and Pieris protodice(Pieridae)
Richard C. Priestaf
| |
Species diversity in Catocala (Noctuidae) in three localities in North America
105 - 108
D. F. Owen
| |
McFarland Moth Collection donated to the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles county
Julian P. Donahue
| |
Polymorphism in Papilio glaucus L. (Papilionidae): Maintenance of the female ancestral form
109 - 111
Sally K. Makielski
| |
Pseudophilotes Beuret, 1958
F. Martin Brown
| |
Juniperus (Cupressaceae) speciation and the ranges and evolution of two Callophrys (Lycaenidae)
112 - 116
Kurt Johnson
| |
Accidental occurrence of Aglaie urticae (Nymphalidae) in Nova Scotia
Frederick W. Scott & Barry Wright
| |
Butterflies feeding on a dead bobcat
Oakley Shields
| |
Male genitalia of Lepidoptera: Morphology and nomenclature IV. Notes on Tuxen's "Taxonomist's glossary of genttalia in insects": second enlarged edition
117 - 122
A. Sibatani
| |
Another larval foodplant for Euphydryas phaeton (Drury) (Nymphalidae)
John J. Bowe
| |
Book Review: A Monograph of the Ithomiidae (Lepidoptera) Part IV. The Tribe Napeogenini Fox
123 - 124
John H. Masters
| |
Book Review: Centurie de Lepidopteres de l'Ile de Cuba
Eugene Munroe
| |
Book Review: Lepidoptera Genetics
124 - 125
Austin P. Platt
| |
Book Review: The Butterflies of Wisconsin
John H. Masters
| |
The genus Zestusa (Hesperiidae) in El Salvador with description of a new species
127 - 132
Stephen R. Steinhauser
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Some observations on the Lepidoptera of bromeliads
133 - 137
Carlos R. Beutelspacher
| |
The effect of cauterizing the MNPPM of the pupa of the monarch butterfly (Danaus p. plexippus) (Danaidae)
137 - 140
F. A. Urquhart
| |
Cercyonis pegala blanca, A "missing type" in the evolution of the genus Cercyonis (Satyridae)
140 - 149
Thomas C. Emmel & Sterling O. Mattoon
| |
A new subspecies of Lycaeides argyrocnomon (Lycaenidae) from the eastern Canadian forest zone
150 - 154
John M. Masters
| |
The ecology and ethology of the tropical Nymphaline butterfly, Victorina epaphus I. Life cycle and natural history
155 - 170
Allen M. Young
| |
Pierls napi L. (Pieridae) and the superspecies concept
170 - 173
S. R. Bowden
| |
Notes on Urodus parvula (Henry Edwards) (Yponomeutidae)
173 - 177
S. W. Frost
| |
Observations on foodplant records for Papilio glaucus (Papilionidae)
177 - 180
Malcolm P. Levin & Mary Ann Angleberger
| |
The larva of Chamyris cerintha (Treitschke) (Noctuidae)
180 - 183
George L. Godfrey
| |
Maximizing daily butterfly counts
183 - 196
Keith S. Brown, Jr
| |
An unusual moth in central Illinois
Charles K. Swank
| |
Wing-shape and adult resources in lycaenids
196 - 197
Paul R. Ehrlich & Anne H. Ehrlich
| |
New distribution records for Ceratomia hageni (Sphingidae)
Charles M. Franklin
| |
Further notes on W. H. Edwards specimens in Illinois Museum collections
198 - 199
Roderick R. Irwin
| |
Book Review: Macrolepidoptera Palaearctica: Volume 1. Crambinae
199 - 200
Alexander B. Klots
| |
Book Review: Australian Butterflies
201 - 202
Lee D. Miller
| |
Proposed Amendments to the Constitution of the Lepidopterists' Society
203 - 205
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The Karl Jordan Medal
207 - 209
Lee D. Miller
| |
Ultraviolet photography as an adjunct to taxonomy
210 - 215
Clifford D. Ferris
| |
A new subspecies of Eumedonia eumedon (Lycaenidae) from Caucasus
215 - 219
Yuri P. Nekrutenko
| |
Notes on the life history of Eugonobapta nivosaria (Geometridae)
Laurence R. Rupert
| |
Cardiac glycosides in Asclepias species
Frank Slansky, Jr.
| |
The occurrence of Chloroclystis rectangulata (L.) In North America (Geometridae)
220 - 221
Douglas C. Ferguson
| |
New records of Lepidoptera from the United States (Arctiidae, Geometridae, Epiplemidae)
222 - 225
Douglas C. Ferguson
| |
Population expansions and mass movements of Nymphalis californica (Nymphalidae)
226 - 228
Jerry A. Powell
| |
Two name changes for subtropical American Pieridae
Norman D. Riley
| |
Observations and new records of Iowa Rhopalocera
229 - 234
Stephen Miller
| |
Some notes on the Sphingidae
Richard B. Dominick
| |
Confirmation of a disputed foodplant of Papilio glaucus (Papilionidae)
235 - 236
J. Mark Scriber
| |
The biology of Callophrys (Incisalia)fotis bayensis (Lycaenidae)
237 - 244
John F. Emmel & Clifford D. Ferris
| |
The type locality for two moths (Pyralidae, Saturniidae) collected by Lt. W. L. Carpenter, U.S.A, in Colorado, 1873
245 - 247
F. Martin Brown
| |
The mature larva of Sphinx vashti (Sphingidae)
247 - 248
William H. Howe
| |
A proposal for the uniform treatment of infrasubspecific variation by lepidopterists
249 - 260
John H. Masters
| |
Limenitis lorquini attacking a glaucous-winged gull
261 - 261
Robert Michael Pyle
| |
Book Review: Microlepidoptera Palearctica; Volume 2. Ethmiidae, Volume 3. Cochylidae
262 - 264
J. A. Powell
| |
Book Review: Jamaica and its Butterflies
264 - 267
Eugene Monroe
| |
Obituary: Hubert de Lesse (1914 - 1972)
268 - 274
Keith S. Brown, Jr.
| |
Index to Volume 26
275 - 276
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