Journal of the Lepidopterists' Society 1972

Volume 26

Notes on the Balanotes (Meyrick) group of Oidaematophorus Wallengren with description of a new species (Pterophoridae)

1 - 13

Everett D. Cashatt




Annotated list of the butterflies of Indiana, 1971

13 - 24

Ernest M. Shull & F. Sidney Badger




The life history of Schinia intrabilis (Noctuidae)

24 - 28

D. F. Hardwick




Natural inter-breeding of close nymphalid groups


Raymond J. Jae




The life history of Schinia pallicincta (Noctuidae)

29 - 33

D. F. Hardwick




Protective function of sound perception and gregariousness in Hylesia larvae (Saturniidae: Hemileucinae)

33 - 34

Charles L. Hogue




Studies on the Catocala (Noctuidae) of Southern New England II. Comparison of collecting procedures

35 - 49

Charles G. Kellogg & Theodore D. Sargent




Three butterfly species (Lycaenidae, Nymphalidae, and Heliconiidae) new to Texas and the United States

49 - 56

Roy O. Kendall




More new moths from Texas (Noctuidae)

56 - 63

Andre Blanchard




A possible case of mimicry between lycaenid butterflies (Lycaenidae)

63 - 64

George T. Austin




The use of chloroethane for immobilization of field specimens


Raymond Castilonia




Midges sucking blood of caterpillars (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae)


Willis W. Wirth




Obituary: Percy Heath Hobart Gray (1891 - 1971)

66 - 67

A. C. Sheppard




Practical freeze-drying and vacuum dehydration of caterpillars

68 - 79

Richard B. Dominick




A new species of the genus Pyromorpha Herrich-Schaeffeh (Pyromorphidae)

79 - 82

Andre Blanchard




The life history of Schinia citrinellus (Noctuidae)

82 - 86

D. F. Hardwick




Life history notes on Callosamia securifera (Saturniidae)


Michael D. Van Buskirk




The life history of Schinia jaegeri (Noctuidae)

89 - 93

D. F. Hardwick




Studies on the Catocala (Noctuidae) of Southern New England. III. Mating results with C. relicta Walker

94 - 104

Theodore D. Sargent




Observed mating between Pieris rapae and Pieris protodice(Pieridae)


Richard C. Priestaf




Species diversity in Catocala (Noctuidae) in three localities in North America

105 - 108

D. F. Owen




McFarland Moth Collection donated to the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles county


Julian P. Donahue




Polymorphism in Papilio glaucus L. (Papilionidae): Maintenance of the female ancestral form

109 - 111

Sally K. Makielski




Pseudophilotes Beuret, 1958


F. Martin Brown




Juniperus (Cupressaceae) speciation and the ranges and evolution of two Callophrys (Lycaenidae)

112 - 116

Kurt Johnson




Accidental occurrence of Aglaie urticae (Nymphalidae) in Nova Scotia


Frederick W. Scott & Barry Wright




Butterflies feeding on a dead bobcat


Oakley Shields




Male genitalia of Lepidoptera: Morphology and nomenclature IV. Notes on Tuxen's "Taxonomist's glossary of genttalia in insects": second enlarged edition

117 - 122

A. Sibatani




Another larval foodplant for Euphydryas phaeton (Drury) (Nymphalidae)


John J. Bowe




Book Review: A Monograph of the Ithomiidae (Lepidoptera) Part IV. The Tribe Napeogenini Fox

123 - 124

John H. Masters




Book Review: Centurie de Lepidopteres de l'Ile de Cuba


Eugene Munroe




Book Review: Lepidoptera Genetics

124 - 125

Austin P. Platt




Book Review: The Butterflies of Wisconsin


John H. Masters




The genus Zestusa (Hesperiidae) in El Salvador with description of a new species

127 - 132

Stephen R. Steinhauser




Some observations on the Lepidoptera of bromeliads

133 - 137

Carlos R. Beutelspacher




The effect of cauterizing the MNPPM of the pupa of the monarch butterfly (Danaus p. plexippus) (Danaidae)

137 - 140

F. A. Urquhart




Cercyonis pegala blanca, A "missing type" in the evolution of the genus Cercyonis (Satyridae)

140 - 149

Thomas C. Emmel & Sterling O. Mattoon




A new subspecies of Lycaeides argyrocnomon (Lycaenidae) from the eastern Canadian forest zone

150 - 154

John M. Masters




The ecology and ethology of the tropical Nymphaline butterfly, Victorina epaphus I. Life cycle and natural history

155 - 170

Allen M. Young




Pierls napi L. (Pieridae) and the superspecies concept

170 - 173

S. R. Bowden




Notes on Urodus parvula (Henry Edwards) (Yponomeutidae)

173 - 177

S. W. Frost




Observations on foodplant records for Papilio glaucus (Papilionidae)

177 - 180

Malcolm P. Levin & Mary Ann Angleberger




The larva of Chamyris cerintha (Treitschke) (Noctuidae)

180 - 183

George L. Godfrey




Maximizing daily butterfly counts

183 - 196

Keith S. Brown, Jr




An unusual moth in central Illinois


Charles K. Swank




Wing-shape and adult resources in lycaenids

196 - 197

Paul R. Ehrlich & Anne H. Ehrlich




New distribution records for Ceratomia hageni (Sphingidae)


Charles M. Franklin




Further notes on W. H. Edwards specimens in Illinois Museum collections

198 - 199

Roderick R. Irwin




Book Review: Macrolepidoptera Palaearctica: Volume 1. Crambinae

199 - 200

Alexander B. Klots




Book Review: Australian Butterflies

201 - 202

Lee D. Miller




Proposed Amendments to the Constitution of the Lepidopterists' Society

203 - 205




The Karl Jordan Medal

207 - 209

Lee D. Miller




Ultraviolet photography as an adjunct to taxonomy

210 - 215

Clifford D. Ferris




A new subspecies of Eumedonia eumedon (Lycaenidae) from Caucasus

215 - 219

Yuri P. Nekrutenko




Notes on the life history of Eugonobapta nivosaria (Geometridae)


Laurence R. Rupert




Cardiac glycosides in Asclepias species


Frank Slansky, Jr.




The occurrence of Chloroclystis rectangulata (L.) In North America (Geometridae)

220 - 221

Douglas C. Ferguson




New records of Lepidoptera from the United States (Arctiidae, Geometridae, Epiplemidae)

222 - 225

Douglas C. Ferguson




Population expansions and mass movements of Nymphalis californica (Nymphalidae)

226 - 228

Jerry A. Powell




Two name changes for subtropical American Pieridae


Norman D. Riley




Observations and new records of Iowa Rhopalocera

229 - 234

Stephen Miller




Some notes on the Sphingidae


Richard B. Dominick




Confirmation of a disputed foodplant of Papilio glaucus (Papilionidae)

235 - 236

J. Mark Scriber




The biology of Callophrys (Incisalia)fotis bayensis (Lycaenidae)

237 - 244

John F. Emmel & Clifford D. Ferris




The type locality for two moths (Pyralidae, Saturniidae) collected by Lt. W. L. Carpenter, U.S.A, in Colorado, 1873

245 - 247

F. Martin Brown




The mature larva of Sphinx vashti (Sphingidae)

247 - 248

William H. Howe




A proposal for the uniform treatment of infrasubspecific variation by lepidopterists

249 - 260

John H. Masters




Limenitis lorquini attacking a glaucous-winged gull

261 - 261

Robert Michael Pyle




Book Review: Microlepidoptera Palearctica; Volume 2. Ethmiidae, Volume 3. Cochylidae

262 - 264

J. A. Powell




Book Review: Jamaica and its Butterflies

264 - 267

Eugene Monroe




Obituary: Hubert de Lesse (1914 - 1972)

268 - 274

Keith S. Brown, Jr.




Index to Volume 26

275 - 276






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